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The Vampire's Mate novel Chapter 4

“Mate! Go to our mate!” her wolf kept saying inside of her.

"Shut up, Christa!" Cassandra snapped. She gritted her teeth trying to control her wolf because she was trying to take over and Cassandra wouldn’t let that happen. If Christa were to take over, it will surely be chaos. The man must have sensed it, her mate, and started looking around him until their eyes met. Cassandra felt the world suddenly stop as she looked at him. Tall, broad shoulders, strong jaws, has a powerful aura, and gorgeous. Cassandra almost drooled over him.

“Hey! Didn't you hear me call you?”

“I said, didn’t you fvcking hear me!?” Joanna yelled and grabbed her arm. Cassandra snapped out her fantasies about her mate and winced in pain when Joanna’s long fingernails dig on her skin, making it bled.

“Pardon, what it is?” Cassandra managed to say and removed her hand on her arm. Joanna was flaring in anger. She is a ranker and now, she got ignored by a new student.

“Bitch! Don’t you know me!?” she shouted angrily.

"Obviously, not,” Cassandra answered with a bored tone. She immediately saw her mate smirk and felt giddy inside. Her wolf kept pacing back and forth because of what her mate did. Now that Cassandra has fully grasped the situation, she finally recognized the girl in front of her, Joanna Redwood.

“You bitch!” she yelled and was about to slap Cassandra. Lisanna and Alice looked in horror. They couldn’t move an inch because Joanna was way more powerful than them.

“Enough, Joanna!” her mate’s voice boomed inside the cafeteria. Cassandra’s wolf purred hearing her mate’s voice. Joanna couldn’t do anything and pouted her lips. Cassandra smiled triumphantly inside.

“But, Sebby! This bitch insulted me!" she said with teary eyes and pointed Cassandra. Murmurs and whispers filled the cafeteria. It was a rare scene for them seeing Sebastian meddled in the fight. Cassandra clenched his hand to a fist. She wanted to pull Joanna’s hair and ripped her throat for calling her mate a nickname.

“Come on!" Sebastian said and grabbed Cassandra’s hand, dragging her outside the cafeteria. Lisanna trembled, afraid of what Sebastian would do to their friend. Cassandra felt the sparks when they held hands, she glanced at him and their eyes locked. She blushed, red as a tomato. It was the first time she experienced holding someone’s hands like this. She knew it will eventually happen with her mate but feeling it right now exceeded her imagination. Sebastian halted in the front of the vacant room and pulled her inside.

“What you did there was plain idiocy,” Sebastian said firmly and faced Cassandra. Her jaw dropped and she glared at him.

“Are you taking her side?” she said in disbelief. Cassandra expected he would reprimand Joanna and not her.

“I’m not taking her side,” he seriously said and sat on the chair. “You don't know Joanna. She will humiliate you in front of the whole Academian students or worst, hurt you," he added. Cassandra crossed her arms and scoffed at him.

“I can protect myself,” was her only answer to him. They stared at each other for a long time and Sebastian heaved a sigh.

“Stubborn wolf,” he said. Cassandra smiled instead lashing out her anger.


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