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The Vampire's Mate novel Chapter 7

Cassandra woke up to her deep slumber, and it was Sebastian's face that she first saw. Sebastian was looking at her intently. He intended to leave after Cassandra had fallen asleep last night, but she was having a nightmare.

"Hi," Cassandra shyly said. Sebastian brushed the stray hair on her face and smiled. "I thought you left," she added. Cassandra blushed as she soon realized she was returning his smile.

"I couldn't leave you behind," Sebastian said and pulled her close.

"How's your sleep?" he asked. Cassandra snuggled closed. She didn't want to go and wished to cuddle with Sebastian all day long.

"Fine, I slept really well," Cassandra answered. It was the truth; she felt at peace with Sebastian on her side. Sebastian kissed the top of Cassandra's head. He was glad that Cassandra couldn't remember anything about her bad dream.

"I'll fetch you later, okay? I have to go now," Sebastian said. He stood up and picked up his shirt. Cassandra stared at him. Sebastian had a well-toned body and clear skin, so tempting to touch. Those muscles that Cassandra could run her fingers into. Sebastian's physique was a work of art. Their eyes locked, a strong emotion of lust swirled inside the small room.

"Don't tempt me, love," Sebastian chuckled and put his clothes on. Cassandra's eyes widened, and quickly avoided Sebastian's gaze while blushing hardly.

"I'll see you later," Sebastian said. Cassandra nodded her head and watched her mate opened the window and jumped, completely disappeared from her sight. Cassandra stood up and went to prepare. She was smiling from ear to ear, excited to see Sebastian again.

After Cassandra was done, she quickly grabbed her bag and headed outside, where she found Lisanna and Abegail grinning.

"Move faster. Someone's waiting for you, "Lisanna said. Cassandra checked herself in the compact mirror she had. Abegail grabbed it away from her hand and raised her thumb up.

"You look beautiful, now go!" Abegail said while laughing. Cassandra shook her head and went out. She immediately saw Sebastian leaning on the wall with his eyes closed. His hands are in his pockets, and looking handsome. Sebastian was wearing a plain white shirt partnered with pants and shoes. Cassandra approached her slowly, trying to surprise him, but he suddenly opened his eyes and smirked at her.

"Let's go?" Sebastian asked. Cassandra nodded her head. The two walked away while Lisanna and Abegail watched them, giggling lie a bunch of kids. When they arrived, all eyes are on them. Murmurs and whispers filled the large hallway.

"Why are they together? What about Joanna?" Casandra heard a girl whispered. Cassandra sighed; she just wanted the ground to swallow her whole. She was confident in fighting Joanna, but what irks her was getting unnecessary attention.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm not used to it," Cassandra confessed. Sebastian chuckled and put his arm on her shoulders.

"You'll get used to it. You are with me, so you'll get a lot of attention," Sebastian mumbled. What he had said was right on the mark.

"Besides, you are the Alpha's daughter. Don't mind them, and don't let it get to you," Sebastian said. Cassandra nodded her head. If she wanted to stand by Sebastian's side, she had to hold her head up high. The two went to their classroom and sat on their respective chairs, waiting for the professor to come.

"We don't have class today!" one of their classmates yelled. "They sent out the last-minute message. They have an important meeting today," he added. The others groaned whole the other rejoiced. Cassandra sighed, it was fun to learn, but the meeting seemed urgent.

"Let's go, love," Sebastian said. He grabbed Cassandra's bag with his hand and carried it with him while the other was holding Cassandra's.

"Where are we going?" Cassandra asked.

"Date," Sebastian said and winked at her. Cassandra reddened; it will be her first date with her mate. She couldn't help but be excited. "Where do you want to go?" he added.

"You choose. I don't know any places outside the Academia," Cassandra mutter. Sebastian squeezed her hand.

"I know a place you will like," he said. They went out of the school. Various shops lined up perfectly outside the school. They went to a café with lots of books that the customer could read while resting and eating. Sebastian must have noticed that Cassandra loves to read books because of her small collection in the dorm.

"Let's play twenty questions, Blood," Cassandra said while waiting for their orders to be served.

"Okay, ask away," Sebastian said.

"What's your favorite color?" Cassandra asked. On cue, the order arrived. The server put it on their table and left. Sebastian took a mouthful of fries before answering.

"I like red," Sebastian replied. "Am I handsome?" he asked. Cassandra glared at him.

"What question is that?" Cassandra asked and rolled her eyes. "Yes, you are, undoubtedly. What's your favorite food," she asked while blushing.

"Isn't it obvious? I like blood," Sebastian bluntly said that surprised Cassandra. She shook her head at his bluntness.

Chapter Eight 1


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