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The Vampire's Mate novel Chapter 8

Cassandra was still in a daze even it has been hours since Sebastian left. She couldn't believe they had finally kissed. Cassandra grabbed the pillow and covered her mouth to scream. She rolled in the bed, smiling like crazy. Cassandra wanted to shout out loud but managed to restrain herself as she doesn't want to wake up her friends.

Little noises coming from the window caught Cassandra's attention. She raised her eyebrows and waited for it. Then it happened. Small pebbles hit Casandra's windowpane successively. She stood up and walked towards it. Cassandra's smile widened when she saw Sebastian outside.

"Open the window for me." Sebastian mouthed slowly outside. Cassandra nodded her head and carefully opened it.

"Step back, hon," Sebastian said. Cassandra followed him and took a step back. Sebastian climbed rapidly with his superhuman strength.

"You can't sleep?" Sebastian asked and hugged her. Cassandra nodded and buried her head on Sebastian's chest. She inhaled his scent, calmly soothing her body. Cassandra doesn't know why, but she was always looking for Sebastian's smell these past few days.

"Still thinking about the kiss?" Sebastian teases. Cassandra smacked his shoulder but couldn't deny the blush on her face.

"What are you doing here?" Cassandra asked. She backed away from him and got on the bed. Sebastian followed her and sat on the edge. He held her hand and squeezed it.

"I had trouble sleeping when I'm not with you," Sebastian confessed while playing with Cassandra's fingers. "So, I want to sleep here with you. Is that a bad idea, love?" he asked. Cassandra laughed and kissed him on the cheeks. She finds Sebastian cute when he asked.

"No, it's not a bad idea," Cassandra answered. Sebastian smiled that melted Cassandra's heart instantly. The mate pull they had was a strong one.

"Let's sleep?" Sebastian said. Cassandra nodded. He began taking off his shirt and lay down beside her. Cassandra found out that Sebastian wasn't fond of wearing clothes while sleeping. He felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, Blood," Cassandra said. She loves calling Sebastian by his surname. "Good night," she said.

"Good night, love. Dream of me," Sebastian said and kissed her forehead before drifting into a comfortable sleep.

The sun rises, spreading its light. Pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colors that spread across the sky announcing the new day. Cassandra woke up in bed alone. She already knows that Sebastian had to leave early to go back to his dorm. Cassandra stretched her body. Her wolf was itching for a run after weeks of being confined.

"Let's try to run in the forest later," Cassandra hopefully said. She did her morning routines, and when she finished, she went out.

"Lis?" Cassandra called.

"Glad that you awake, Cassy!" Lisanna said, holding a bowl in her hand. "Let's go and eat. Abby's going to join with us," she added happily.

"What happened?" Cassandra asked. She was getting weird vibes coming from her friend. Lisanna was always cheerful, but today, she was extra happy that Cassandra thinks something happened.

"It's starting," Lisanna answered.

"What is it?" Cassandra asked.

"You'll find out late," Lisanna said. Abegail went out of her room and joined the two for breakfast. Casandra was still clueless about what's about to happen. The students outside were already talking about it. The three went to Academia together. They are directed to the oval where the other students were. There's a giant crystal in front of them surrounded by ancient markings.

"Please, tell me what's happening," Cassandra begged. She doesn't want to be left out. "What's happening?" she asked.

"The start of Battle of the Strongest," Lisanna answered.

"What the heck is that?" Cassandra asked, confused.

"I told you about it the last time," Lisanna muttered, but Cassandra just looked at her. "Every yearend there's a test where the students fight and if they win. They will be given a chance to challenge a ranker," Lisanna said. Cassandra's jaw dropped.

"That's the Battle of the Strongest," Abegail said.

Chapter Nine 1


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