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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 103

When Roxanne got back, Harrison had just hung up the phone. She rushed out to buy a light bulb, quickly climbed onto the dining table, and swiftly fixed the light.

When she turned it on, the light was working again. Harrison couldn't help but admire her.

"How do you know how to do all this stuff?"

"Well, I got used to living on my own. If I didn't do things myself, I'd have to pay for an electrician. So I just learned."

Roxanne was truly self-sufficient.

"Come down, be careful."

Harrison reached out to help her. His eyes were full of worry. He seemed scared she might fall off the table. He added, "I'll learn to do these things, I won't let you do them in the future."

Maybe he should pick up a few electrician skills?

Roxanne, standing on the table looking down at the concerned Harrison reaching out to her, couldn't help but smile.

"What are you laughing at? Come down." Harrison took her hand.

She finally crouched down and quickly jumped off the table.

"Will you really learn?" Roxanne asked him as she put on her shoes.

"Do you think I'm less of a man because I can't even change a light bulb?"

He retorted. She shook her head. "That's not it. As long as you're willing to learn, that's enough. Next time the light breaks, I'll let you fix it. You'll pick it up and take care of things around the house."

"Okay." Harrison ruffled her hair, "I'll handle these things from now on."

He felt bad for her. She even knew how to fix things like light bulbs. She must have had no one to rely on before.

He stroked her hair and added, "From now on, I'll be the one you can rely on."

Roxanne laughed. She laughed until she felt like crying. But she wasn't used to crying in front of others, so she held it in.

"Harrison, you have a lot of potential."

"How do I have potential?"

"Many women end up with men who don't lift a finger at home, keep their salary to themselves, and expect their wives to serve them respectably. But you're different. You're willing to help with the chores."

"That's all it takes for you to be satisfied?" Harrison gently stroked her hair again, "You're too easily pleased."

Just because he said he'd learn to change a light bulb, she was satisfied?

She looked up at him with a smile, "I'm a very easily satisfied person."

Her smile was sweet, full of contentment and vitality. But as she laughed, tears welled up in her eyes.

She had always lived alone, always moving forward on her own. She had never had anyone by her side.

When trouble hit, she had to overcome it on her own. She had to rely on herself for everything. When she was sick, she had to endure the pain on her own, and still had to work to make money.

There was no one to share the burden with. But now, Harrison might be the one she can rely on? Finally, someone was with her, giving her warmth.

She couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat. This wasn't sadness. It was a sudden realization that she finally had someone by her side.

Harrison understood her laughter, her tears, and her pretense at being strong.

In reality, she wasn't as strong as she appeared. All her strength came from the fact that no one had helped her bear the pressure before, and no one had shown her kindness. So just a little warmth from him deeply touched her.

But to avoid getting hurt, she wrapped herself tightly in her own defenses.

He didn't say anything. He just stroked her head, gently pulled her into his arms, and patted her back, as if to comfort her.

She leaned against him for a moment. When she looked up, she had already reigned in her emotions and looked at him with a sweet smile, "Harrison, I really want to kiss you."

Harrison frowned. Seeing his seriousness, Roxanne laughed again, "I'm joking. I'm still hungry. I'm going to eat some more. Do you want more?"

With that, she wiped the table, brought the food back, and sat down.


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