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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 113

Hazel grabbed her phone and glanced at the screen.

It was Harrison again.

Annoyed, she gently tapped her hand on Alexander's chest.

"Babe, why does your friend always call at such inconvenient times? It's so annoying."

Alexander gently moved her off of him and tried to soothe her, "Let me take this call first."

He was also slightly irritated.

He was just flirting with Hazel and was interrupted.

"Harrison, your timing is impeccable."

Harrison, "Don't tell me you're still in bed with Hazel?"

"Is there a problem?"

"Can you control yourself a bit?"

"Harrison, you haven't been with Roxanne yet, have you? You don't know what it's like, so don't preach to me."

Harrison was speechless.

"Maybe once you have a taste, you'll be even more out of control than I am."

"You think I can't control myself like you do?"

"We'll see."

"I have something important to say."

"Go ahead, what is it?"

Harrison explained the situation with Chloe and Aria to Alexander.

From the first time Alexander met Chloe and learned about the domestic violence she suffered from her despicable husband, he always regarded her as family.

It could be because Alexander's sister had also been a victim of domestic violence and had gotten a divorce.

So, Alexander felt sympathy and compassion for Chloe like he would for his own family.

Hearing that Chloe was abused, Alexander became worried.

"Alright, don't worry, I'll be right there."

"Don't blow my cover."

"Don't worry."

Hazel, sitting next to him, looked somewhat disappointed.

"Alexander, is it about Harrison's wife's friend again?"

"I'll go handle it."

"Can you not go?"

Alexander explained Chloe's situation to Hazel.

After hearing it, Hazel showed understanding.

"Chloe really has it tough, single-handedly raising a child after divorce and being bullied."

"You go and give that naughty kid a good lesson."

Although Hazel and Chloe didn't have any personal connection, they were both women.

Hazel felt sympathy for a divorced woman raising a child alone, knowing how hard it can be.

After all, she was a friend of Harrison's wife, right?

If they could help, they should.

"Alexander, and that naughty kid's parents, you should teach them a lesson too."

"I knew you had the strongest sense of justice." Alexander kissed Hazel's forehead, "I'll be going now."

He quickly got dressed and rushed to the neighborhood where Chloe lived.

Chloe's daughter was hit for no reason by a naughty kid.

She herself was slapped twice and kicked twice by the kid's parents.

Her ribs were almost broken.

When Aria was pushed down by the naughty kid, her head hit the ground, causing a large red bump to form on her forehead.

They could bully her, but they definitely couldn't bully her daughter.

If she didn't protect Aria at this time, Aria would live in fear for the rest of her life.

The parents of the naughty kid were muscular and fierce-looking.

"What's wrong with hitting you? Your daughter was blocking my son's way. Why should he apologize? You should have moved out of the way, you're just asking for trouble."

Aria was scared and started crying.

She kept holding onto Chloe, wanting to go home.

Chloe endured the pain and blocked Aria behind her.

"Aria, don't cry. I won’t let anyone bully us."

First, she called the community management, then the police.

She knew she couldn't fight a strong man.

Even though at the moment Aria was bullied, she just wanted to stop that despicable kid.

But the difference in strength was too great, she couldn't fight the kid's father.

Even though the onlookers all condemned the despicable kid's father, no one stepped up to stop him when she was being hit.

Everyone only cared about their own affairs and didn't meddle in others' business.

Chloe could only rely on herself.

Actually, she really wanted to cry.

Her daughter was being bullied, she was being hit, she and her daughter were so miserable, but no one came to help them.

But she couldn't cry, especially not in front of her daughter.

After she called the police, they arrived in about twenty minutes.

At this time, Chloe had also obtained the video of the despicable kid pushing her daughter and the kid's father hitting her from the community management.

The police arrived and she sat on the ground.

She said her chest hurt and she couldn't breathe.

The police asked the kid's father to take Chloe to the hospital for a check-up first.

Aria also had a bump on her head and needed to be checked at the hospital.

The kid's father who was arrogant just now suddenly became weak.

Whatever the police said, he did, not daring to be arrogant anymore.

Many checks were done, costing quite a bit of money.

The results showed nothing serious, but Chloe still felt pain in her chest and struggled to breathe.

Chloe asked, "Doctor, my chest still hurts, can I stay in the hospital for a few days?"

The doctor said, "Yes, you can. But you have to pay the hospitalization fee first."

The police looked at the muscular man, "You need to pay the hospitalization fee first, deposit a thousand dollars in the account, just in case something comes up."

The kid's father said helplessly, "Officer, the check-up results clearly show that there is no problem. Why does she need to be hospitalized? She's just trying to scam me."

The police said sternly, "Watch your tone. You're the one who hit her, who's scamming you?"

They've dealt with many such civil disputes.

They knew how to handle people who hit others and were unreasonable.

They had seen the surveillance footage.

It was clearly the kid's parent who was unreasonable.

And Chloe was only driven to desperation to ask to be hospitalized.

At this time, Chloe calmly said, "I don't have to be hospitalized, but I have one request. You and your son need to apologize to us, sincerely, not perfunctorily."

The kid's father was very angry, "I've never apologized to anyone."

"Watch your attitude." The police said sternly, "We're still here and you're still being arrogant. When we leave, are you going to hit her again? Let me tell you, she can sue you for intentional injury, and if she does, you will face detention and fines. Apologizing is already the lightest punishment. You should be grateful."

The police's support gave Chloe more confidence, "You either apologize to me, or you follow the police's instructions."

That kid's dad was forced to back down.

He had to.

He could be stubborn when dealing with the weak, but acting tough in front of the cops, he'd be in trouble with the law.

So, he had no choice but to apologize.


Chloe said, "I didn't catch that, didn't sound sincere to me."

The kid's father was not happy about it.

But with the police there and not wanting to pay hefty hospital bills, he had no choice but to apologize to Chloe.

"I'm sorry, my son shouldn't have hit your daughter, and I shouldn't have hit you. We were wrong, please forgive us."

Chloe knew his apology wasn't heartfelt.

She warned him sternly, "I've got the video of you hitting me, don’t even think about getting back at me. If anything like this happens again, I won’t hesitate to send you to jail."

With the video evidence, he didn't dare to retaliate against Chloe.

Take this as a lesson for him.


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