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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 134

Roxanne floored it out of the garage. She had no clue how many red lights she ran or how many traffic rules she broke.

By the time she hit her destination, she and her crew, consisting of Chloe, Amelia, and Dominic, split up and hit the bus station, the train station, their homes, and the spot where Aria had disappeared.

They looked all night but found not even a trace of Aria.

They even called the cops.

The cops checked the surveillance video and came up empty-handed.

Turned out that there was a side street near where Aria used to take her dance classes where there were no cameras.

That's where Aria disappeared.

The only lead was a word on the street that Aria left with a woman who gave her a toy.

It smelled like a con job.

When Chloe got wind of this, she passed out.

Roxanne looked at Chloe, who seemed to have aged many years overnight.

No words could soothe Chloe's broken heart.

Roxanne herself was gutted.

The sweet and clever little girl had just vanished into thin air.

Roxanne tried to say something to comfort Chloe, but she couldn't get the words out.

Chloe stood up from the bench at the police station. "I need to find Aria."

She took two steps and crumpled to the floor.

Roxanne was quick to catch her. "Chloe, you've already passed out once; cool your jets. I promise, we'll find Aria."

Chloe couldn’t take it, "Aria's so young; she must be scared without me..."

Her voice was hoarse, and her whole body was shaking.

She was terrified. If Aria was sold to a childless family, at least she'd be alive. But if those people had bad intentions...

She couldn't even bear to think about it.

Chloe became dizzy and started shaking. She almost passed out again.

But she held on. She found a cop and fell to her knees, begging, "Please send more people. Find my daughter, please!"

A few uniformed officers rushed to help her up, but Chloe wouldn't stand.

She cried harder as she pleaded with them. Before long, she passed out again.

The first time, she was out for about ten minutes.

This time, Chloe's face was pale and bluish. Something was seriously wrong.

Austin, in Amelia's arms, was crying nonstop.

It was a heartbreaking sight for anyone.

Roxanne's eyes welled up with tears. She, Amelia, and Dominic rushed Chloe to the hospital.

Once Chloe was hooked up to an IV, Roxanne could finally breathe.

It had been a while since Dominic had seen Roxanne. He stole glances at her a few times.

Roxanne knew, but she didn't acknowledge Dominic.

In her life, the people Roxanne hated the most were those who abandoned her, like her parents and Dominic.

But she knew how to regulate and heal herself.

She didn't want to harbor hatred. It made life too bitter and tiring.

Life was a journey of self-improvement. She had to deal with all the struggles in life herself. Only letting go could make her happy.

So, she decided to marry out of the blue; despite her deep pain, she accepted Harrison and started a new life.

She didn't care about Dominic anymore. She had no love or hate for him.

Seeing him didn't stir anything inside her.

He was just like a stranger she hadn't seen in a long time; he was barely an acquaintance.

Dominic didn't want Roxanne to see through him.

He wanted the label of heartbreaker to stick to him.

In the end, Dominic suppressed all his emotions and said calmly. "Roxanne, Chloe will wake up soon; don't worry."

"Mhm." Roxanne replied, then asked Amelia to keep an eye on Chloe.

She stepped outside the ward to call Oliver.

Oliver, being Aria's father, had to know about her disappearance.

Roxanne even hoped that Aria had managed to escape her kidnapper.

If she was unable to find her mother, she probably went to her father's.

So, the first thing she asked when the call connected was, "Oliver, did Aria come to you?"

Oliver responded, somewhat agitated, "Roxanne, are you joking? When Chloe and I divorced, both kids went to her. Why are you asking me for her?"

"I asked if Aria came to you."



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