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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 144

That night, Harrison and Roxanne just cuddled up and slept. No hanky-panky, just holding each other. Roxanne felt this incredible sense of comfort and happiness. It was different from when they got busy. It was more tranquil, more powerful, more secure.

Outside, the autumn moon was hazy. The gentle, serene moonlight seemed to reflect Roxanne's state of mind.

In Harrison's arms, she could forget all her troubles and just be a simple, loved woman. All her worries simply vanished. That night, Roxanne had a sound sleep.

When she woke up in the morning, Harrison had already prepared a hearty breakfast. After freshening up, Harrison led her to the dining table.

"There's your favorite seafood pasta and chili sauce. I bought some chilies and made the sauce myself. Super clean and hygienic," he said while presenting a jar of chili sauce.

The spicy scent was tantalizing.

"The seafood is super fresh, just bought from the supermarket," he added.

After being together for over four months, Harrison knew her food preferences inside out. But since it was autumn, the weather could be quite dry. So, he had also made a creamy pumpkin soup. "This soup is good for you.

Drinking a bowl in the morning can help improve your diet," he said as he served the soup. Roxanne chuckled, "I feel like I'm being treated like a queen."

Having someone take care of her breakfast so thoughtfully was delightful.

"This is just the beginning," Harrison said, stroking her nose. "When you get pregnant, you'll be treated even better."

Roxanne's heart melted as she sipped the soup. She smiled at Harrison and said, "Then I should have more babies for you."

"No need," Harrison said seriously. "Giving birth is painful. I don't want you to go through that. One is enough. Hopefully, a girl. My dad and I both love girls."

"What if the first one is a boy?"

"Even if it's a boy, you don't need to give birth again. It's too painful," he replied.

Roxanne didn't say anything and just continued her soup. She thought to herself, she wouldn't exchange Harrison for all the money in the world. They both loved girls, and regardless of the pain, she would have a girl for the Rodriguez family. Besides, she loved girls too.

Where could she find a man as considerate, reliable, and responsible as Harrison? In reality, after marriage, men expect their wives to earn money, have kids, and raise them.

No matter how painful childbirth was, they thought it was a woman's duty. If a woman complained of pain, fatigue, or lack of rest during childbirth, they thought she was being weak.

Roxanne felt lucky to have Harrison as her partner. People often said that marriage was a turning point in a woman's life. This was indeed true for Roxanne.

Meeting Harrison had completely turned her life around.

With these happy thoughts, she went to work.

At lunch, Audrey, a young woman with short hair, brought in lunch.

"Roxanne, there's a man named Sebastian outside. He wants to see you. Is he your father?" Audrey asked, standing in front of Roxanne.

Roxanne's mood instantly changed. She became stern, and her brows furrowed.

Sebastian, who wanted to sell her off to an old man for his son's future, had the audacity to come to see her.

Rage filled her heart. She curtly said, "Ignore him. Pretend you didn't see him."

"Okay!" Audrey replied and returned to her seat.

Lillian, a glasses-wearing colleague, asked, "Audrey, who's that limping old man outside? Roxanne's dad?"

Audrey nodded and said, "Seems like it."

Lillian adjusted her glasses, "Why isn't Roxanne seeing him? Is she that heartless?"

Chloe came over, knocking on the table, "Don't judge before you know the whole story. If you knew that Roxanne was abandoned by her parents when she was four, and she grew up on people's charity, and that the old man only thought of her when he had no one to take care of him and wanted to benefit of her, would you still think Roxanne is heartless towards him?"

Hearing this, Audrey and Lillian immediately felt sympathy for Roxanne. Behind her strong and cheerful exterior, she had such a painful past. Life hadn't been easy for her.

Sebastian waited outside for hours. It was only after the sun had set and Roxanne had finished her work that Chloe and Roxanne locked the office and went outside.

Sebastian limped towards them. "Roxanne!" He looked embarrassed. After his son, Nathaniel, had stabbed him in the heart, he finally realized. His beloved son, whom he had raised and pampered, whom he had given two houses to, whom he tried not to bother, fearing his lowly status would affect his marriage to a rich girl, had tried to kill him. Sebastian regretted focusing on his new family and younger son.

If only he had kept Roxanne by his side back then, take good care of her, he wouldn't be so alone now, even betrayed by his own son.

Catching a glimpse of Sebastian, Roxanne felt a pang in her heart.

She walked past Sebastian, arm in arm with Chloe, her face void of any expression.


Sebastian fell to his knees.

"I was wrong, and I need to apologize to you. I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry."

This apology was from the heart.

Watching his daughter's retreating figure, Sebastian couldn't hold back his tears.

Roxanne turned around, glaring at him angrily.

Seeing Sebastian's tear-streaked face, she let out a painful, sarcastic laugh.

"Sebastian, what game are you playing now? Trying to win me over when your tough guy act didn't work?"

Sebastian was choking on his words.

When she was little, Roxanne's voice was so sweet, always echoing in his ears.

"Dad, stop smoking, it's bad for your health."

"Dad, stop drinking. Your cough hasn't gotten any better."

"Dad, let me warm you up!"

How could he bear to leave such a precious little girl alone in the rural countryside, becoming a left-behind child with no one to provide for her food, clothing, and education, having to eat other people's leftovers?

Sebastian slapped himself hard on the face a few times.

Roxanne shouted in anger, "Sebastian, what the hell are you trying to do?"

"I know you can't forgive me." Sebastian knelt on the ground, looking at the weak Roxanne, "I just hope to make it up to you."

He took out a property transfer document and handed it to Roxanne.

"This is a property of mine. It's already been transferred to you."

Normally, Roxanne would need to be present for the property transfer.

However, Harrison pulled some strings, allowing Sebastian to directly transfer the property to Roxanne, and got the property transfer document done.

"Sebastian, what are you up to?"

"Roxanne, I know you won't forgive me, and I'm not asking you to." Sebastian, shaking, stood up.

He shoved the property transfer document into Roxanne's hands.

"I don't know what else I can do for you. Just take this for now."

With that, Sebastian wiped away his tears, turned around, and limped away.

He hadn't taken a few steps before he turned back.

With tears in his eyes, Sebastian gave Roxanne a smile and said, "Roxanne, you've found a good man!"

Yesterday, Sebastian had promised Harrison that he wouldn't tell Roxanne about his status as the richest man in Seraphim Haven.

That was a promise he made with Harrison.

After a wistful smile, Sebastian once again limped away.

Chloe asked, "Anne, is this property transfer document real? Your dad is so nice, and he's actually willing to give you his house. Isn't he supposed to give everything to his son?"

Watching Sebastian's retreating figure, Roxanne didn't say a word.

She wasn't sure if Sebastian's apology was genuine.

It seemed genuine. But knowing Sebastian's ruthless nature, how could he possibly apologize to her?

At that moment, Harrison appeared from around the corner of the street.

He walked over to Roxanne and saw her tear-streaked face.

Harrison knew why Roxanne was crying. But he pretended not to know and hugged her, "What happened? I came to pick you up and saw you crying so sadly, who bullied you?"


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