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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 155

The drizzle was scattered across the sky, adding an extra chill to the gloomy autumn weather.

Chloe gently shook Alexander, noticing the scattered documents around him.

She took a peek, and the sight of the divorce papers shocked her.

That explained a lot.

No wonder Mr. Alexander fainted there.

It turned out that he was sick and had also experienced a change in his marriage.

His illness might have a lot to do with the changes in his marriage.

It showed how much Mr. Alexander valued his marriage before the divorce.

If he didn't care, he wouldn't be that upset.

What a poor guy.

Chloe felt pity for him.

Even though she used her umbrella to cover Alexander, she still felt his clothes damp.

No matter how she pulled, she couldn't lift him up.

Even though he was thin, he was still an adult man. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get him up from the ground.

He was so heavy!

"Mr. Alexander, wake up!"

"Mr. Alexander, you can't lie on the ground."

When Chloe was worried, she touched Alexander's forehead.

His forehead was burning.

He was running a high fever.

Chloe, who had been taking care of her two children for years, knew what a person with a high fever looked like.

According to her experience, Mr. Alexander had no other issues, just a cold and a fever.

He had fainted because of the fever.

Chloe quickly asked for help from passersby and lifted Alexander to the back seat of the Porsche.

Alexander was tall, and his legs were long.

Lying down in the back seat like this, a big part of his legs were hanging outside the car door.

Chloe tried hard, but she couldn't get this long leg back into the car.

"Mr. Alexander, I'm taking you to the hospital now. Please draw your legs in."

Chloe was leaning on the back seat, most of her body exposed outside the car door.

The rain hit her, and her clothes were quickly soaked.

She didn't care about getting wet in the rain. She just wanted to get Mr. Alexander to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if he continued to be sick like that, it would harm his body, despite being an adult man.

So she stroked Alexander's forehead, as if comforting him and as if coaxing him.

"Mr. Alexander, be good."

"Be obedient. Draw your legs in. Curl up a bit."

"I'm taking you to the doctor."

"Good boy."

Even though Alexander had fainted, he vaguely felt someone calling him, a gentle force stroking his forehead.

It felt as if an angel's hand was touching him at the brink of life and death.

Being obedient, he curled his long legs into the car.

Chloe sighed with relief, and then gently and patiently stroked his forehead again, "Mr. Alexander, be good. Lie still. I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Colds and fevers can be mild or severe. If the high fever does not subside for a long time, it can be life-threatening. On the other hand, as long as the fever is brought down in time, there should be no major problem.

Chloe initially intended to take Alexander to a big hospital, but she was afraid of wasting time queueing in the big hospital.

If that was the case, it might delay the treatment.

Chloe took Alexander to a small clinic near the company.

The doctor at the small clinic was quite familiar with Chloe.

Since whenever her two children got sick, they usually received treatment there.

The doctor examined Alexander and confirmed that he had a cold and a fever.

After the doctor took his temperature, it was found that he was indeed running a high fever.

That was why he had fainted.

The clinic's doctor suggested, "Perhaps we can give him an IV drip, which would bring down the fever faster."

"What kind of medicine would you use?" Chloe needed to be clear.

The doctor said, "Intravenous aspirin."

Chloe was familiar with that medicine.

It had the same effect as oral ibuprofen and paracetamol.

However, IV drips to bring down a fever could potentially cause dependency and weren't great for the body.

That was far less than oral fever reducers.

Looking at Alexander, who was lying unconscious on the bed, Chloe frowned.

It might be because Alexander had helped her in the past.

She was always grateful to him.

She sincerely cared for his health.

So, she said, "Let's just take the fever reducer."

The doctor frowned and said, "If he could take the medicine himself, that would be great. But since he's unconscious, he can’t do that. Unless you feed him with your mouth."

There was no way she could feed him with her mouth.

She wouldn't take advantage of Mr. Alexander while he was unconscious.

She wouldn't dare take advantage of such a charming man.

She thought for a moment and said, "I'll try to see if I can wake him up."

The doctor went to get the medicine.

Chloe shook Alexander a few times, but he didn't respond.

She tried touching his forehead again.

Talking as she touched.

"Mr. Alexander, wake up, take the medicine, and then sleep, Okay?"

"Good boy, open your eyes, take the medicine, and the fever will go down."

"Good boy, open your mouth."

Her hands weren't exactly delicate.

She often did housework and took care of her children.

Dish-washing and washing her children's clothes made her hands become a bit rough.

In his haze, Alexander felt someone touching his forehead.

And that hand was warm.

He ignored the roughness of her hand and instead felt a gentle force.

He obediently opened his mouth.

Chloe immediately propped up his upper body, letting him hold the fever reducer.

That was ibuprofen, which could reduce fever within half an hour after taking it.

When the doctor brought the medicine, Chloe carefully checked it.

When Alexander held the medicine, she passed the warm water to his mouth.

And then she said, "Good boy, drink some water and swallow the medicine."

Alexander took a sip of water and swallowed the ibuprofen.

Chloe let him lie back down, thanked the doctor, and sat by the bed, always by his side.

The beds in the small clinic were one after another, separated only by a curtain.

In order for Alexander to rest well, Chloe pulled up all the curtains.

Although the noise from next door could still be heard, it was much better.

She set her phone to silent, then borrowed a hairdryer from the clinic, used the hot air to dry Alexander's hair, helped him take off his jacket, and covered him with a blanket.

Then she waited.

Alexander was the kind of guy who seemed strong and manly.

He may not have been a super hunk, but he had something about him that left most men in the dust.

His macho vibe went perfectly with his buzz cut.

Even when he was sick and looking like hell, there was still a strong aura of resilience about him.

After a few encounters, Chloe discovered that this tough guy also had a tender side.

He had mad respect for women.

And his wife? He adored the heck out of her.

But couldn't Hazel ever be satisfied?

How could anyone hurt such a good man?


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