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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 165

Roxanne couldn't believe that a country bumpkin somehow had over two hundred grand stashed away.

Roxanne was gobsmacked.

At the same time, she had mad respect for her father-in-law.

She thought Vincent was totally awesome. To have saved so much money, he must be living a super frugal life.

She clutched her bank card tightly, and with determination in her eyes told Harrison, “The down payment for a house in our neighborhood is about three hundred thousand dollars.”

“We just need to save a bit more, then we can buy another house. We can take care of the mortgage and let Vincent live comfortably there. He's been waiting for me to get healthy so I can give him a grandchild. Imagine how great it’d be for us all to live together!”

Harrison, who was driving, corrected her, “Not a grandson, but a granddaughter. My dad prefers little girls.”

“Right, right, right.” Roxanne laughed.

A lot of traditional folks prefer boys to carry on the family lineage, and don't like girls.

For instance, Chloe's ex-husband’s family didn't like Aria.

Roxanne was glad her father-in-law didn't carry such narrow-minded traditional views.

Throughout the journey, Roxanne and Harrison chatted and laughed.

“Harrison, if our first baby is a boy, let’s try for another the following year. We could keep trying each year until we have a girl.”

Right now, she was twenty-eight.

If they had a baby every year, she figured she could keep going till at least thirty-five.

Having Harrison's children was something she'd do willingly.

Harrison, who was driving, frowned, “Even if our first is a boy, we won't be having any more. Childbirth is tough and can cause significant harm to your health.”

The Rodriguez family rule was to always cherish women.

The first rule of cherishing women was not to treat them as baby factories.

Women in the Rodriguez family must be treated like queens when giving birth.

Of course, even without giving birth, they should also be treated like queens.

Roxanne retorted, “What’s so hard about giving birth? I'm not delicate. I definitely want to give Vincent a cute little granddaughter.”

“If your first baby isn't a girl.” Harrison said while driving, “My dad probably won't let you have a second.”


“My mom almost died giving birth to me. After that, my dad said the daughters-in-law of the Rodriguez family only need to have one child. He doesn't want them to take risks.”

Otherwise, with their wealth, there's no way he'd be an only child.

Vincent actually liked having many children in the house. He thought it made things more lively.

As Harrison drove, he shared many of Vincent's thoughts with Roxanne.

Roxanne was even more curious, “Vincent lived in the country all his life, yet his thinking is so progressive. He doesn't seem like a country bumpkin at all.”

The lie was getting bigger and bigger. Harrison didn't know how he would cover it up in the future.

He responded half-jokingly, “My dad is an educated farmer. His farming methods are different from the average Joe, so is his mindset.”

“I can tell.”


“Harrison, I was thinking, should our second house be bigger? Like, a larger flat. That way, it’d be more convenient for us all to live together.”

“A big flat isn't as good as a villa.”

“A villa would be better, but we can't afford it. If we go for a slightly more average large flat, with a down payment of about five hundred thousand dollars, we should be able to handle it. Actually, I do want to have more kids, particularly girls. You and Vincent don't need to worry about me. I'm in great health. I should be able to handle three or four kids. I just wish our home could be more lively.”

Harrison pondered on this.

Even if Roxanne was willing, regardless of whether the first child was a boy or girl, he and his father would definitely not let her have another.

As for buying a house…

Since Roxanne mentioned a large flat, he might as well just get her a villa and get it over with.

That way, she wouldn't have to stress about buying a house.

He would take care of this.

A few days later, when Roxanne returned from a business trip at the factory, Sebastian confronted her.

It was already November, but Seraphim Haven wasn't cold. The wind was just slightly chilly.

After all, the climate here was warm, so winter always arrived late.

In the cool breeze, Roxanne saw Sebastian standing at the entrance of her company.

He looked hesitant, not knowing what to do,

His leg was not fully healed, so he limped as he walked.

About a month ago, Sebastian suddenly came to give her a property deed and even apologized to her.

At the time, Roxanne could hardly believe her eyes.

How could this man, who never cared about her wellbeing, suddenly change?


Sebastian's gaze no longer held the ferocity it used to, instead, it was filled with a sense of guilt that Roxanne couldn't understand.

Why would Sebastian feel guilty towards her?

Bad guys are always bad guys, but how could he suddenly repent?

“Roxanne, I need to talk to you about something.”

Seeing Roxanne’s furrowed brow, Sebastian quickly explained, “Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble or force you to pay pension money.”

“Then come in and talk.”

Roxanne turned and walked into the company.

She was still wary of Sebastian and found it hard to warm up to him, but he was her father after all.

Once inside, she found a chair for Sebastian and personally poured him a glass of water.

She remembered that Sebastian used to love strong coffee. He would always have a cup of it when he went to play poker.

Roxanne placed a glass of water in front of him and sat across from him.

"I didn’t make you any coffee. The elders shouldn’t have too much strong coffee, messes with your sleep. So, you might wanna cut back."

Sebastian was instantly reduced to a blubbering mess.

The year he left Roxanne, she was only four.

At that time, other kids were still being coddled by mommy and daddy, but after he and Roxanne's mom divorced, he ditched her.

Her grandma was a misogynist and was always nasty to her. And then she kicked the bucket when Roxanne was only seven.

After that, there was no one to look after her.

What a selfish jerk he was back then! He built a new family but never brought her to the city, instead leaving her to fend for herself in the village.

What a cold-hearted bastard he was to her!

Despite all this, she still remembered his preferences and habits.

Sebastian couldn't stop the waterworks.

Roxanne couldn’t understand how such a cold-hearted man just a month or two ago could suddenly change so drastically?

Roxanne was confused, "Your tears are throwing me for a loop."

"I'm so sorry."

Roxanne didn't know how to respond, so she changed the subject, "I plan to sell the house you gave me and give you the money."

"No need!"


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