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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 168

Roxanne listened attentively, not wanting to miss a single word the other party said.

"Ms. Martinez, actually, there's no promotional event where you get a villa for free when you buy a house in the third phase of our property. This is all tailored for you. The one who planned all this is actually..."

"Sorry to interrupt." At this point, a waiter came over and served her the coffee in his hand.

"This is the coffee you ordered."

"But we didn't order any coffee."

"Really? I'm sorry. I must have made a mistake. Excuse me."

As the waiter took away the cup, it slipped from his hand.

The strong coffee spilled onto Roxanne. Her clothes and pants were all soaked.

"I'm really sorry. You can take off your clothes, and we'll clean them for you. You can wear our work uniforms first."

Roxanne looked down at herself, covered in a mixture of coffee and milk.

Dirty and sticky.

The situation was uncomfortable and even more uncomfortable to wear.

After the waiter apologized again, she had no choice but to get up and change into their work uniforms.

When she came back, the short-haired saleswoman still had a smile on her face. She continued to chat with Roxanne about the unfinished topic. "Ms. Martinez, have you been followed before?"

"How did you know?"

"The person who gave you the villa is actually the rich man who arranged for someone to follow you before."

"He has liked you for a long time, but because you are already married, he didn't want to disturb your life, so he decided to do something for you in secret. Before, you asked his bodyguard if the villa was given by him. But how could he admit it?"

Roxanne didn't say anything, thinking carefully.

After a while, she asked, "Is what you're saying true?"

"I've already taken your money. Why would I lie to you?"

"What does this rich man have to do with the Rodriguez Group?"

"There's no connection between them. He just knew you wanted to buy our property, so he paid in advance and arranged a fake scene for you to win a special prize."

After returning home, Roxanne went straight home.

It was the weekend.

Harrison wasn't working.

Roxanne pushed open the door to see Harrison cleaning the floor.

The clean wooden floor was emitting a fresh scent of detergent.

Not a speck of dust was on the floor.

Tables, cabinets, and chairs, Harrison had wiped them all clean enough to reflect light.

There was also a vase of freshly arranged flowers on the table.

"Are you finished?" Harrison stopped his housework, stood up straight, and looked at her at the door.

She nodded, changed her shoes, and walked in.

Harrison asked, "I've been cleaning all morning. Are you satisfied?"

There was pride in his tone.

Roxanne looked around the spotless living room again and nodded. "Well done, even our maid service might not be able to clean so thoroughly."

"Is there a reward?" Harrison asked.

Roxanne walked over and gave him a kiss.

After a satisfied smile, he pretended to know nothing and asked, "Anne, wasn't the outfit you were wearing when you left this morning different? Your clothes look like a waitress's uniform, don't they?"

Roxanne was silent.

She felt very guilty.

She hugged him and said, "Harrison, I'm sorry. I didn't actually go to work this morning. I went to investigate something."

"Investigate what?" Harrison acted as if he knew nothing and asked curiously.

Roxanne told him all her suspicions, her meeting with the short-haired saleswoman in the morning, and what happened in the cafe.

After listening, Harrison casually stroked her nose. "If I really had that much money, wouldn't I just give you a villa directly? Why bother with all this trouble?"

Roxanne thought about it and felt it made sense.

If Harrison really had that much money, why would he hide it from her?

And besides, Harrison has always been honest.

Even when he went bankrupt, he insisted on doing his own work, giving all the money he earned to her.

When he was resting at home, he even took care of all the housework, doing laundry, mopping the floor, and cleaning.

He was a perfect man.

How could he possibly have anything to do with the big boss behind the Rodriguez Group?

She was overthinking it.

"Harrison, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you."

She felt very guilty.

On the surface, Harrison generously forgave her secret investigation. But in his heart, he was anxious. He also breathed a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, he had people secretly keep track of all Roxanne's movements, knowing she had gone to see that short-haired middle-aged saleswoman.

Otherwise, he would have been exposed.

Roxanne also told Harrison about the origins of the villa and said, "Harrison, since that villa was given by the rich man who secretly likes me, let's give it back. I feel uneasy about getting a big villa for no reason. And that rich man has designs on me."

"All right." Harrison held her waist, pretending to say earnestly, "We definitely can't accept a villa from another man. We have to return it."

He made himself out to be a competitor.

It was both funny and helpless.

Harrison felt very pained inside.

If he wasn't so afraid of losing Roxanne, why would he tell such a big lie?

In the end, he got himself wrapped up in it.

Roxanne said again, "Also, I have to ask that bodyguard, was our Porsche also secretly given to me by the rich man who likes me? If so, we have to return it. I can't accept things from others for no reason; it makes me feel uneasy."

"Right." Harrison agreed, "We can't accept. When I've earned enough money, I'll buy you one."

Roxanne wrapped her arms around Harrison's neck.

Her bright eyes reflected his handsome face and also projected the most innocent soul in the world.

"Harrison, I'm sorry, I won't doubt you anymore. From now on, we need to be honest with each other and not deceive each other, okay?"

"Okay." With a firm voice, Harrison said the most false words in the world.

Looking at Roxanne's clear and sincere eyes, he felt uneasy.

At the beginning of their marriage, she married him with honesty. But he had been lying to her.

How could he possibly be okay with that?


The more he feared losing her, the stronger his desire for Roxanne became.

After a passionate make-out session, Harrison held Roxanne close, unwilling to let her go for a long while.

Roxanne, drenched in sweat, was too exhausted to move.

She leaned into Harrison's chest and asked, "Babe, it seems like something's troubling you?"

"What are you talking about?" Harrison pinched her nose, "Let me carry you to a bath, okay?"

"Sure." She answered sweetly.

After a satisfying bath, Roxanne fell asleep quickly.

Harrison, on the other hand, was left to another sleepless night.

He walked out to the balcony alone, standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, smoking.

The windows were sealed shut, unable to be opened.

To prevent the smoke from spreading, Harrison eventually put out his cigarette.

Unable to sleep, he took out his phone.

He asked Alexander what he was up to.

Alexander replied, "You've been keeping tabs on Hazel. You should know what I'm doing."

Alexander always replied promptly.


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