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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 170

Chloe wasn't zoned out because she didn't hear clearly.

She heard it loud and clear.

It made her stutter a bit.

“Mr. Alexander, you just got divorced. Why are you in such a rush to find a girlfriend? Besides, I'm not your type.”

Chloe was a divorced woman without the figure of a young girl, and her face was covered with age spots, She also had two kids.

Oliver once said she was like second-hand goods nobody wanted.

How could she possibly be a match for Mr. Alexander, a man of status, handsome, well-mannered, and cultured?

Even though Mr. Alexander was also divorced, with his status and identity, he definitely needed an elegant lady to match him.

In front of Alexander, Chloe felt utterly insignificant.

She was very self-aware. She knew that she and Mr. Alexander could never be together.

So her answer was very firm. “Mr. Alexander, I really can't help you. And stop joking with me. I'm just a divorced woman with two kids.”

She gave a bitter laugh.

At that moment, Alexander was holding an umbrella.

When Chloe arrived, the rain had already stopped for a while.

Now it started raining again, and she didn't bring an umbrella.

Alexander held most of the umbrella over her and asked, “What I meant was to pretend to be my girlfriend.”

Chloe immediately let out a sigh of relief.

It was just pretending.

Alexander looked at her, and when he spoke again, his voice was full of respect and comfort.

“Don’t think you're not good enough. If I were to look for a woman, I'd definitely go for someone as kind as you. There's only good and bad in women, not high or low. Don't belittle yourself. Compared to Hazel, you are much better. You're a good woman and a good mother; don't look down on yourself just because you're divorced.”

His comforting words and encouragement warmed Chloe's heart.

She was so moved that she was on the verge of tears.

That jerk Oliver, if he had a fraction of Mr. Alexander's kindness, he wouldn't have torn her family apart.

Her kids wouldn't have to live a tough life with a single mom like her.

Thinking about those tough days made Chloe's feelings even more complicated.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she stubbornly held them back.

Alexander held the umbrella in one hand and took a tissue from the driver in the car with the other, and handed it to her.

Then he said, “Keep your chin up. Don't look down on yourself because you're divorced. Believe in yourself!”

Chloe took the tissue, wiped away her tears, and nodded. She suddenly sneezed.

Alexander saw that her coat was half wet. He had her get in the car first, then took a coat out of the trunk.

“This was a coat I bought for my ex-wife before the divorce. If you don't mind, put it on, don't catch a cold. I divorced my ex-wife. She has always been reluctant to let go, so I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend, to make her give up.”

After a bit of chat, Alexander didn't mention Hazel's behavior.

He just said he was helpless to end the marriage. He had no choice but to divorce. He tried his best to keep Hazel's dignity.

Even though Hazel was the one who cheated, Alexander didn't blame her.

Clearly, he was a very cultured man.

If it were a man like Oliver, even if the woman was not at fault, he would still blame her.

People were indeed different.

It was comfortable to be with cultured people.

The driver was driving.

Alexander and Chloe sat in the back seat.

Chloe had ridden in Alexander's luxury car before, but she was still a bit nervous.

The luxurious interior made her feel uneasy.

Alexander's request made her even more nervous, even if it was just pretending to be his girlfriend.

Alexander then said, “You don't have to answer me right away. No matter whether you help me or not, I'm willing to help you with your daughter's problem.”

He also liked kids.

He met Chloe's daughter Aria. She was very cute, very sensible, and obedient, obedient to the point of being heartbreaking.

Last time, after he fainted from signing the divorce papers and was taken to the clinic by Chloe, Aria brought him a bowl of unforgettable soup.

He always remembered this help.

“Mr. Alexander, thank you very much. With your help, Aria was able to successfully transfer schools.”

Chloe was a divorced woman. Her registered identity was not in Seraphim Haven. She didn't have a house in Seraphim Haven. She was just an ordinary working-class woman. It was already hard for her to get Aria into school.

When Aria was bullied by wealthy kids at school and wanted to transfer, it became very difficult.

If she didn't transfer, those unreasonable kids and parents would continue to bully Aria.

The teachers and principal of the school said they would handle it fairly, but so far, they have not provided a solution.

Chloe had had enough of these people's ugly behavior.

Wealthy parents, who drove luxury cars to pick up their kids, only knew how to suck up.

For people like them who were poor, they were ignored.

Human nature was really scary.

Alexander asked with concern, “How's Aria doing? After being wrongly accused of stealing, has her mood changed?”

When it came to this, Chloe looked very worried.

“She's been silent every day, often waking up in the middle of the night, crying as soon as she opens her eyes and saying she doesn't want to go to school.”

Seeing her child like this, Chloe's heart was breaking.

She blamed herself for not being able to give Aria a good birth environment and for not giving her a complete family.

If her family was rich and powerful, if Aria had a dad to protect her, who would dare to slander and bully her like this?

“This is a serious matter.” Alexander said with a frown. “Chloe, I'm free now. I can go home with you. I want to see Aria's condition and understand the specifics from her. Don't sweat about the transfer thing, okay? As for Aria being falsely accused of stealing, I'll definitely help clear her name and reignite her passion for learning so she can go back to school with a smile on her face."

Seven in the evening.

Chloe took Alexander to the house she was renting.

Walking in, they ran into Roxanne.

Amelia had taken a couple of days off due to some family issues, so Roxanne was babysitting.

Seeing Alexander, Roxanne was taken aback.

Turned out, it was Roxanne's idea to reach out to Mr. Alexander for help.

She had thought Mr. Alexander, being a decent and warm-hearted man, would certainly lend a hand, but she didn't expect him to actually come over in person.

After exchanging pleasantries with Roxanne, Alexander asked, "Where's Aria?"

"She's holed up in her room, doesn't want to talk to anyone, and seems pretty down in the dumps."

"I'll go check on her."

Alexander went to Aria's room and knocked on the door.

"Aria, it's Mr. Alexander. Remember me? Last time I was sick, you brought me some soup. Can I come in?"

But Aria inside the room didn't respond.

Lowering his voice, Alexander asked Roxanne, "You reckon she's not having any dark thoughts in there, is she?"


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