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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 184

When Harrison tried calling again, he got no answer.

No matter how many times he called, he was met with the dreaded "call cannot be completed."

He hightailed it to the location Roxanne had last pinged from. After a long search, all he found was a busted-up phone on the ground. He searched all day, but Roxanne was nowhere to be found. She had vanished.

Upon hearing the news, Alexander dialed Harrison up right away. At that moment, Harrison was on the horn with the embassy staff in Novaria, negotiating with the Novarian government.

After picking up the call, Harrison briskly said, "Shoot."

"Harrison, I've heard about Roxanne going missing. I've got fifty bodyguards with me; we're gonna charter a flight over and meet you."

Harrison was a member of the Rodriguez Group and had the embassy's backing. The Novarian government would definitely help find Roxanne. But this was foreign soil, where law and order were sketchy at best. Crime rates were high, and the criminals were ruthless. Therefore, Alexander had to bring his crew over and rendezvous with Harrison.

After more than twenty hours, .Alexander arrived in Novaria. After meeting with Harrison at the embassy, they started discussing how to find Roxanne. Harrison didn't want to waste any time and was ready to hit the streets looking for her.

Alexander grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. "Harrison, you haven't slept in two days, have you?" Alexander asked with concern.

Harrison's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked worn out. His chin and cheeks were covered with stubble. Alexander felt for him. "You should get some sleep."

But how could Harrison sleep when there was no news of Roxanne? His throat bobbed as his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Roxanne might seem brave. It’s true she’s not afraid of a scrap, but she's actually terrified of being alone." Harrison continued with a hoarse voice. "Truth is, she's just a little girl who needs a man to protect her. I don't want her to be scared."

Alexander silently watched him as his own heart grew heavy. "I'll go with you." He offered.

"No need." Harrison patted Alexander on the shoulder. "Go meet up with Chloe. Don't let her know you came to see me; she's already worried sick about Roxanne going missing."

"Chloe should be okay." Alexander replied.

"You should stick with her." Harrison insisted, looking concerned. "I have a feeling Roxanne's disappearance isn't just a run-of-the-mill crime."

Alexander's brow furrowed. "You mean..."

The same possibility struck them at the same time. "You think the people who took Roxanne are after Rodriguez Group's 6G-Technology?"

Harrison nodded silently.

Back home, these people couldn't find an opportunity to strike. But abroad, they were in their element. Earlier, they had even collaborated with a foreign judicial department to detain Harrison's father, Vincent Rodriguez, in order to get their hands on the Rodriguez Group's 6G-Technology.

Now, they had set their sights on Roxanne.

They weren't going to give up easily.

They were fighting for it, both openly and behind the scenes.

No wonder the Rodriguez Group had been on such a roll these past few years. Their 6G-Technology had made a global impact.

High-profile figures from various countries were eager to pocket this lucrative technology.

Harrison was filled with regret. "I was too careless."

If he had known they were after Roxanne, he would have protected her better.

Alexander tried to comfort him. "It’s a good thing if they're after our 6G-Technology. They won't hurt Roxanne. You don't have to worry about her getting hurt. But..."

Alexander asked. "If they want to exchange Roxanne for the 6G-Technology, what would you do?"

The 6G-Technology was a major project that the Rodriguez Group had invested heavily in for the past few years.

It was not only crucial to the survival of the group but also closely related to the country's IT development.

It was a tough choice.

But Harrison firmly said. "If I can't even protect my own woman, what's the point of running a business?"


Taking Harrison's advice, Alexander prepared to meet up with Chloe.

He would also help find Roxanne on the down-low.

He called Chloe and lied about being in Novaria on business.

Once he finished his business, he could meet her.

Over the phone, a crying Chloe pleaded with him. "Mr. Alexander, it's so good that you're in Novaria. Roxanne's missing, and Harrison's been so upset these past few days that he can't eat or sleep. Could you help us?"


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