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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 203

"Harrison Rodriguez, here's the thing, to you, the richest man in Seraphim Haven, my little company might not mean much. But that's my life's work, my baby. I built it from scratch. Why should I shut it down just because you say so?

I told you I'd try to get used to you being the top dog in Seraphim Haven. But that doesn't mean I will bend over backwards to please you."

Roxanne was hopping mad.

"I didn't ask you to please me." Harrison was also ticked off. "Why should you, my wife, have to hustle and bustle, always on the go for work?"

"That's not a grind, that's fulfillment, that's having a purpose in life, and that gives me security."

Roxanne's voice was getting louder. Her words were filled with anger.

Harrison was speechless.

Looking at him, Roxanne said disappointingly, "Harrison, you're not the same 'broke' Harrison I knew. I don't think we even need to try to adjust to each other anymore."

"What do you mean?" Harrison frowned, "You want a divorce?"

Roxanne threw his own words back at him, "It meant what it said."

Then she walked out.

She understood why he hid his identity at first.

Why couldn't he understand her?

Seems like when two people are on totally different levels, conflicts are bound to happen.

Roxanne was in a foul mood that morning. She rushed out of the mansion.

When Harrison came downstairs for breakfast, Vincent instructed the servants to set the table.

It was Roxanne's first time having breakfast here. It couldn't be too formal, but also not too casual. It was really a headache for Vincent.

Roxanne didn't show up. Vincent looked at Harrison, his face dark, "Where's Anne? She too tired from last night, didn't come down with you?"

Even though Harrison was in a bad mood, he replied politely, "Dad, don't worry. Roxanne went to Warmville."

"Went to Warmville?" Vincent asked anxiously, "Did you upset Roxanne again?"

Harrison sat down, sipped his milk, and didn't answer right away.

But he didn't want Vincent to worry, so he casually explained, "It's okay. She's just really busy at work."

"Even if she's busy, she can't be busier than you, the CEO of this company. You must have upset her. Did you two fight?" Vincent blamed Harrison straight away.

Harrison sat at the table, seemingly unbothered, sipping his milk.

Putting down his cup, he took a casual glance at Vincent.

"Dad, don't worry about our marital affairs. You haven't played golf with Alexander's dad in a long time. Alexander and Hazel just got a divorce, and I think he could use some company."

"I think the one who needs company is you." Vincent stared at his son. "You seem upset, and you must have argued with Roxanne."

Harrison took a bite of toast and countered, "How can you tell I'm upset?"

Vincent replied, "I can 'see' it, of course."

Harrison was speechless.

Vincent said, "Harrison, I don't care. You have to make Roxanne happy and bring her home. If not, don't bother coming back."

Harrison put his toast back on the plate. He frowned, "Good, I've been pretty busy recently, so I won't bother coming back to see you."

With that, he pushed back his chair and got up to leave.

Vincent pissed off, threw a piece of toast at him, "You made Roxanne upset, and you have the audacity to be mad?!"

The piece of toast slid off Harrison's back and fell on the floor.

Harrison glanced at it and paused for a moment.

Then he continued to walk away without another word.


After Roxanne returned to Warmville, she was busy for several days in a row.

The end of the year was approaching.

In a few days, it would be Christmas.

But there was no Christmas break at the factory in Warmville.


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