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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 209

Harrison nailed it.

That day, Roxanne was discharged from the hospital.

Harrison arranged a private jet to fly her back to Seraphim Haven for some much-needed R&R.

At the airport, as they walked down the transparent jet bridge, a giant plane was parked right in front of them.

Harrison held her hand, saying, "That's our ride."

Roxanne asked, "It’s just us two on this big plane?"

"Well, to be precise, we're not passengers. This is our plane; we own it." Harrison flashed a grin.

Even though Roxanne knew he was the richest dude in Seraphim Haven and knew that he had his own private jet, she was still totally blown away when she saw this beast of a plane parked right in front of her, ready to serve only her and Harrison.

She came from the sticks, worked her tail off to save money, and after struggling for more than a decade, she could barely afford the down payment on a house. Who would have thought she'd be stepping onto a private jet one day?

And this luxury jet belonged to her hubby.

She wouldn't even dare dream about such things before.

Even those authors who love to write about domineering CEOs might not have the guts to write this.

This incredibly awesome thing was actually happening to her.

Gradually, she got used to Harrison's status as the big cheese.

She felt like she had hit the jackpot.

They walked from the jet bridge to the cabin entrance.

"Mr. Rodriguez, Mrs. Rodriguez, welcome aboard. The entire crew is ready for takeoff and at your service."

Harrison nodded, and Roxanne followed suit.

After entering the cabin, they found it was a double-decker plane.

Roxanne couldn't help but ask, "What kind of plane is this? It even has two floors?!"

The flight attendant smiled and answered her. "Mrs. Rodriguez, this is an Airbus A380, the big kahuna of the skies. The upper deck has a lounge, a meeting room, and a dining area, while the lower deck houses a gym and a game room."

"A gym on a plane?" Roxanne was flabbergasted.

Her humble background had really limited her imagination.

Harrison gave her a quick tour and then led her directly to the lounge.

"You just had a miscarriage, so you need to take it easy." He led her to the bed and turned to close the curtains.

Roxanne quickly grabbed his arm. "Harrison, what about you?"

"I'm not going anywhere." Harrison turned back. "I'm staying with you."

After takeoff, Roxanne lay next to Harrison. She was dead tired, but she just couldn't fall asleep.

She used to fly coach, and now that she was the wife of the richest guy in town, she could enjoy rides on this luxury private jet.

Everything felt like a dream.

She was still a bit restless and insecure.

Only when she snuggled against Harrison and felt his heartbeat did she feel a little bit better.

"What's up?" Harrison rubbed her head.

"Nothing. I just want to sleep next to you." She didn't mention her anxiety and insecurity.

"Well, get some sleep then." He stroked her head again.

Harrison brought Roxanne back to Seraphim Haven and arranged for her to stay in his villa.


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