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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 228

Be on time! When Roxanne saw that message, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Did that guy really need to remind her to be on time for their divorce appointment?

She knew perfectly well that they agreed to meet at 9 a.m. to finalize the divorce procedures.

Anthony, the guy’s butler, arrived early at her place in East Adjacent Estates in a flashy Rolls Royce that turned heads in the neighborhood.

She had opted for a mortgage for her small condo in East Adjacent Estates because it was developed by a small company and was more affordable.

She could just about afford it. Meanwhile, the property developed by a well-known company just a kilometer away was significantly pricier per square meter.

The outrageous property prices in a big city like that one were nuts.

Even if she scrimped and saved, there was no way she could afford a house that expensive.

The cheaper neighborhoods lacked the same quality of environment and amenities, and the residents certainly didn't drive Rolls-Royce.

So, when Anthony’s car was parked outside her building, she always felt like there was a gaping chasm between her and Harrison.

"Mrs. Rodriguez, Mr. Harrison sent me to pick you up. He is in a hurry as he has an important meeting at 10," said Anthony as he opened the car door for her. She gave him a polite 'thank you' and got into the car.

"Mrs. Rodriguez, please fasten your seatbelt," Anthony sounded a bit down today.

Perhaps he was affected by the impending divorce.

After the divorce, Mr. Harrison would probably go back to being his cold, distant self, and they would have to tread lightly around him.

Roxanne fastened her seatbelt and told him, "Anthony, you should stop calling me Mrs. Rodriguez. Soon, I won't be Harrison's wife anymore."

She hadn't had time to get used to being Mrs. Rodriguez, and at that point she was already about to be divorced. It all happened within the span of just two or three months.

Anthony didn't know what to say, so he just got back in the driver's seat and drove off.

The weather in Seraphim Haven was unpredictable. It was sunny when she got in the car, but by the time they reached their destination, the sky had turned gloomy as if it was about to rain.

As Roxanne got out of the car, a gust of wind hit her, chilling her to the bone.

Her mood matched the weather, a mixture of complicated emotions and pain, with not a hint of warmth.

Anthony led her to a private office, where city hall officials were all gathered around Harrison.

It was clear Harrison had pulled some strings. He didn't want to wait in line; he wanted to get that over with as quickly as possible.

Roxanne walked over, her feelings a whirlpool of emotions.

Seeing Harrison, she wanted to tell him she didn't want to divorce. They could discuss her issue of being a full-time housewife.

She still hoped for a chance. She had insisted on divorce, hoping that it would change Harrison's mind, to let her have her own job.

But she never expected that even after she brought up divorce, Harrison would still stick to his guns.

That time, they were really getting a divorce.

She had a lot to tell him, to communicate with him, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out.

Harrison made his stance clear.

"Roxanne, think it through. If you stay with me, I'll ensure you live a life of comfort and happiness. But if you insist on divorce, the next time we meet, it'll act as if I never knew you."

At that moment, Roxanne swallowed the words she wanted to say.

The sudden storm outside momentarily distracted Roxanne.

She looked out the window. It was sunny when they arrived, but at that moment it was pouring with rain.

The change in weather was as unpredictable as Harrison's attitude.

She suddenly realized that he was no longer the IT worker who started from scratch after bankruptcy.

He was the wealthiest man in Seraphim Haven. Someone like him wouldn't waste his emotions on anyone.

She didn't deny that Harrison had been good to her, but when he decided to leave, he would be more decisive than her.


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