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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 259

Dominic raised his lips slightly, holding back the words that were on the tip of his tongue.

Instead of speaking, he believed in taking actions.

Roxanne appeared to still embrace life with an infectious enthusiasm.

But in reality, she had lost the ability to trust others.

She had become like a shell, tough on the outside, but fragile and vulnerable on the inside.

She had once opened up her shell to people, sharing her soft heart, but it had left her scared.

It would take her more than just a day or two to trust others again.

Dominic understood this deeply.

When he dropped Roxanne off at her company, Dominic connected to their company's network and hacked into Roxanne's phone.

He found her appointment record for a maternity hospital on her WhatsApp.

The appointment was scheduled for May 27th, just next week.

The Rodriguez Group.

Harrison stepped out of the building and got into a Rolls-Royce.

Once inside, he made a call to the hospital.

“Did she say anything today?”

“Mr. Harrison, I'm sorry. Our therapists have tried everything, but she hasn’t said a word..”

“I’ll be there in half an hour. Don’t inform her.”

Hanging up, Harrison let out a heavy sigh.

A feeling of unease had built up in his chest.

His lungs felt constricted.

On the way to the hospital, he noticed a bakery.

Harrison instructed Anthony, his driver, to pull over.

He had asked Nora's parents, Hamlin and Emily, about her favorite cake flavor, and they told him that she loved mango mille-feuille.

So, he decided to buy one for her.

As he got back into the car with the cake in his hand, he suddenly remembered that he had been with Roxanne for nearly two years, and he didn’t even know what kinds of cake she liked.

He left her without knowing her well enough.

He was a complete jerk.

But what was even more absurd was that in two months, he was going to announce his engagement with Nora to the media and livestream their engagement ceremony.

Yet at this moment, his thoughts were still consumed by his ex-wife.

He was an absolute jerk.

His rational side told him that once he decided to cut off the past, he had no right to long for it again.

But he couldn’t control himself.

A simple slice of mango mille-feuille was enough to bring back all his memories of Roxanne.

On his way to the hospital, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Roxanne..

How had she been in these three months?

Had she recovered from the miscarriage?

When he got to the hospital and was about to see Nora, he suppressed these memories deep in his heart, revealing nothing.

Nora wasn't in her ward.

She had been wheeled downstairs by a nurse to sit under a tree, watching the rippling waves of a nearby lake.

The afternoon sun was brilliant, casting dappled shadows from the trees and illuminating her body in patches.

Nora seemed lifeless, even though the sunlight fell upon her.

Nora had woken up from her coma three days after Harrison broke up with Roxanne.

For three months, Nora hadn't spoken a word to anyone.

Every day, she would either stare blankly at something or close her eyes to the world.

Harrison walked over with the cake and asked the nurse to leave for a while.

Even though she knew that he was there, Nora remained motionless in her wheelchair.

If it wasn't for the wind blowing through her short hair, which had grown back after being shaved for the surgery, people might mistake her for a statue.

Harrison approached, knelt down, and took a slice of cake from the exquisite box, laying it in his palm.

“I brought your favorite mango mille-feuille. Would you like to taste it?”

“Want to try?”

Nora remained silent.

The gentle and lovely smile she once wore had disappeared without a trace.

Her eyes were devoid of any hint of light.

Her long and curly hair had been cut short, making her face appear even more sickly.

Harrison took her hand, “I’ve scheduled our engagement ceremony. Tomorrow, I’ll have a fashion designer come to measure your size for your gown. Is that okay?”

Those scandalous photos of her had spread through high society circles.

Even though Harrison had tried to have them deleted, many people in their circles had already seen them.

They labeled Nora as dirty and broken, calling her a fallen woman who threw herself at people and gave them money, but no one wanted her.


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