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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 267

Seven months pregnant.

Roxanne went into premature labor.

By the time her water broke, the orifice of her uterus was already eight-centimeters wide open.

It was clear she was about to give birth, so they rushed her into the delivery room.

Looking at her in such agony, Dominic was beside himself with worry.

Roxanne had to be okay!

The baby had to be okay!

Dominic was praying fervently outside the delivery room.

The air conditioning made the room chilly, very chilly.

But seeing the lit sign reading "Delivery Room," Dominic was breaking out in a cold sweat.

The nurse asked him to sign some forms, informing him of the various risks of childbirth.

Ruptured uterus.

Umbilical cord prolapse.

Placental abruption.

Intrauterine infection.

Amniotic fluid embolism.

Each one made Dominic break out in even more cold sweat.

His hand was shaking as he signed.

Before coming here, Dominic had thoroughly researched childbirth and was well aware of these risks.

He had made adequate preparations.

He had chosen the best private obstetric hospital in the country, with highly experienced specialists.

Even if something unexpected happened during Roxanne's childbirth, they would implement the most effective rescue measures in the shortest time possible.

Despite all his preparations, Roxanne went into premature labor.

Dominic was terrified of any potential complications.

Time seemed to stretch out infinitely as he waited outside the delivery room.

He had no idea what was happening inside.

The uncertainty and anxiety were suffocating, making the air feel heavy and stifling.

Giving birth really was like walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

It was so hard.

Dominic had never been married or had a child, but he had a deep understanding of the difficulties and challenges women faced in childbirth.

He prayed over and over again.

Just let mother and child be safe, just let them be safe!!!

Inside the delivery room.

The atmosphere was incredibly tense.

After enduring unbelievable pain, the baby's head finally emerged.

But the doctor's expression was grave.

The premature baby's skin was a worrying shade of blue.

It didn't look good!

With a final push, the baby was fully born.

There was no crying.

The tiny body was cradled in the doctor's hands, utterly still.

Her skin was a dusky blue, and she wasn't breathing.

"Umbilical cord prolapse, the baby isn't breathing, start resuscitation," the doctor ordered in Chinese.

Roxanne, who was barely conscious, managed to hear the words.

In a voice so soft she could barely hear herself, she called out.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my baby?"

No one heard her.

Some were rushing to resuscitate the baby, others were monitoring her vital signs.

Her condition wasn't good either.

Even though the baby was out, the pain in her abdomen was worse than during contractions.

It came in waves.

It felt like she was walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

She wanted to see her baby, but she lost consciousness.

Three hours later.

She could faintly hear the sound of someone trying to suppress their sobs.

It was familiar.

It was Dominic.

"Roxanne, you're the strongest girl I've ever known, always have been."

"You'll be okay, right?"

"Roxanne, I'd give ten, twenty, thirty years of my life for you to be safe."

"Please wake up."

Faintly, she could also hear the doctors trying to revive her.


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