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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 280

The door creaked open, revealing a startled Roxanne on the threshold.

Her grip on the door handle faltered slightly.

Despite her hesitation, she steeled herself, widened the door gap, and stepped in.


Vincent, lying in bed, coughed a few times.

He wanted to explain something, but he didn't know where to begin, so he just glared at his son with a look of frustration.

Harrison turned towards Roxanne, his gaze icy. “What are you doing here?”

Truth be told, Roxanne couldn't be truly nonchalant in front of Harrison.

After all, he was the only man she had ever shared a bed with.

The only man she had ever loved.

It was difficult to be completely unfazed.

But on the surface, she put on an air of calm and composure.

Approaching Vincent's bedside, she said, “Dad’s sick. Can’t I come and check on him?”

Vincent shot Harrison a look, a warning not to be too brusque. “I asked Roxanne to come.”

“Since someone is here to take care of you,” Harrison responded coldly, “I'll head back to the office then.”

“Did I say you could leave?” Vincent retorted, before being seized by another violent coughing fit.

Roxanne grew worried. “Zoey, do we have any cough medicine?”

Zoey quickly came forward with the medicine. “Yes, yes, we do.”

There were many different bottles.

Roxanne, looking worried, asked Zoey how to administer the medication. After dividing the medicine, she poured some warm water and handed it to Vincent.

“Dad, take your medicine. I want you to get better so I can bring Angela to see you. If you're still sick, I wouldn't dare bring Angela.”

Children have weaker immune systems.

Besides, mentioning Angela would surely make Vincent eager to see her.

He would naturally take his medicine.

“I’ll take it, right away.”

Vincent grabbed a handful of pills, downed them with water, and then looked at Zoey. “Zoey, didn't the doctor say it would be best for me to get an IV? Go get the doctor and arrange it for me.”

The sooner he got better, the sooner he could see his beloved granddaughter.

Seeing him so cooperative, Roxanne breathed a sigh of relief.

This tactic indeed worked.

As Zoey was about to fetch the doctor, Roxanne stopped him. “Zoey, I’ll go get the doctor.”

She also wanted to get a better understanding of Vincent's condition.

Meanwhile, Harrison, who had previously declared he was leaving, was still standing in the hospital room.

Roxanne passed by him without giving him a glance as she left the room.

Harrison suddenly felt invisible.

A strong sense of defeat filled him.

Thinking about Roxanne being with Dominic, a suffocating feeling arose.

It felt like his lungs were about to burst.

Vincent saw his gloomy face and glared at him.

“Didn’t you say you were leaving? Why are you still here?”

He didn't know why he was still there.

Perhaps it was because Roxanne was there.

He turned around. “I'll go get the doctor.”

Roxanne managed to find Vincent's primary physician.

She inquired about Vincent's various health conditions.

Then she took notes on the precautions that should be taken.

Harrison stood at a distance, watching her quietly.

For a long time, just being able to watch her from afar was enough to soothe his heart.

But now, even breathing was difficult.

Suppressing all his emotions, he walked over.

Roxanne thanked the doctor and headed back.


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