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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 288

That man who held the room at the Business Conference, speaking with the confidence of a king, suddenly seemed so humble, h

umble to the point of being dust.

As if holding her like this was a luxury he could hardly afford in life.

A pain he yearned for but couldn't possess.

Being able to hold her like this now.

For Harrison, it was precious.

As his nose brushed her cheek, his lips followed.

The fine lines on his lips, the breath in his nostrils, and a few stray hairs on his forehead, gently touched her skin, reaching her side face.

Roxanne froze in that instant.

A numbness spread throughout her body.

Her body felt electrified.

The strength to resist was sucked away in an instant.

Her rigid body slowly softened, and the palm pushing against his chest paused.

The hardness in her heart was shattered.

The defenses she had built with pain crumbled so easily in front of Harrison.

She thought that in the three years since she gave birth, she had lost interest in relationships.

So during her relationship with Dominic, they never touched each other's skin.

Many times Dominic hinted, but she turned him down.

It turned out she wasn't uninterested.

She just had this kind of surrendering physical response only to Harrison.

"Roxanne! You still have feelings for me.

I can feel it."

Harrison's face was close to her ear.

The stiff little body in his arms suddenly became soft and tender.

That gave him some comfort.

In his pained eyes, a hint of a smile finally appeared.

"Harrison. You bastard!"

Roxanne yelled and stomped on his foot.

Her sharp high heels left a deep imprint on his impeccably clean leather shoes.

She took the opportunity to push him away, l

ooking at him in pain.

"Harrison, I hate you, I despise you."

Why torment her again?

If he didn't want her, didn't want Angela back then,

why come back to her now?

She'd rather Harrison be more cold-hearted, even more ruthless.

Seeing her as a stranger, with no connection, r

ather than him stirring her up like this.

Just let her go, can't they go their separate ways?

She ran away crying, w

ithout looking back.

Her slender, frail figure soon disappeared into the dim underground parking garage.

There was no sound.

The sound-activated light went out.

Harrison's tall and straight figure was shrouded in darkness.

His heart was also shrouded in darkness.

He stood there helplessly.

His tall and straight figure seemed a bit decadent.

Until a resident of the building parked a few meters away and got out.

Then he drove away, heartbroken.

Roxanne hid in the dark corner of the stairwell and cried for a while.

She cried until she started shaking.

She hated herself, h

ated her own incompetence.

She, who could always let go of everything, was so incompetent that she couldn't let go of a man.

She also hated her own greed and selfishness.

Knowing she couldn't forget, but still bringing Dominic into her life.

She could have refused Dominic.

But she didn't.

She was so selfish, so shameless, so despicable, so painful, and so helpless.

If people's emotions could end just by saying so, without any lingering or entanglement, wouldn't that be nice?

She sat in the dark corner of the staircase, trying to control her terrible emotions.

She wiped her tears, s

traightened out her clothes.

It was only after more than twenty minutes that she went back.

Dominic was standing in front of the kitchen counter in the open kitchen.


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