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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 291

Sitting in the Uber, Roxanne was constantly urging the driver to speed up.

Finally, twenty minutes later, they arrived at Angela's nursery.

After picking up Angela, they rushed to the airport.

Just before reaching the airport, she tried to video call Dominic.

Several times, in fact.

But Dominic kept rejecting her calls.

Sitting in the terminal, Dominic felt as though he was losing half his life each time he rejected her video call.

The terminal was bustling with people.

Yet, all he could hear was the sound of his own heart breaking.

Roxanne sent him a voice message.

When he listened to it, it was Angela's cute, soft voice tinged with a hint of crying,

"Domi, don't you want Angela anymore?"

"Domi, please don't leave."

"Domi, Angela wants to be with you forever, please, don't go."

Unable to hold back his tears any longer, Dominic broke down.

The strong man was reduced to tears, his eyes burning red.

Even when he had undergone surgery for his brain tumor and faced possible death, he hadn't felt this broken.

But hearing Angela's pleading voice, he couldn't hold back his tears.

Angela was like his own daughter.

Ever since he had brought Angela home as a tiny newborn, he had cared for her every need.

He had watched her grow into a cute and adorable three-year-old.

How could he possibly leave Angela?

He had even thought that if Roxanne didn't want to have any more children, they would only need Angela.

All those beautiful dreams had ended.

Dominic was crying uncontrollably.

A grown man, unable to control his own emotions.

Surely, the people around him must think he was sick.

And he was, sick to his core.

Roxanne sent him another message: Dominic, don't go.

Dominic didn't reply.

He didn't even look at his WhatsApp.

He was afraid that if he saw another word or heard another sentence, he wouldn't be able to leave.

He turned off his phone.

By the time he went through security, he had managed to control his emotions.

But his eyes were still red.

As he raised his arms to be checked, he heard a soft, cute voice tinged with crying.

"Domi, do you really not want Angela anymore?"

Dominic's raised arms began to tremble.

Taking heavy steps, he walked away from the security desk.

Angela cried out, "Domi, don't go, come back, Domi."

Her pitiful cries tugged at Dominic's heart.

In the end, he couldn't bear it.

He turned around and walked towards Angela.

Angela quickly struggled out of her mother's arms, and with her tiny legs, she ran towards Dominic.

Running so fast, she suddenly fell.

She cried but quickly picked herself up.

A pair of warm hands picked Angela up and held her.

Angela looked up at Dominic, whose eyes were red, and she smiled through her tears.

Her little mouth quivered as she asked, "Domi, don't you want Angela anymore?"

Dominic found it hard to speak, his throat tightening with emotion.

He felt so useless.

The adorable little girl in his arms was his precious daughter, whom he wanted to protect forever.

But he couldn't continue to do so.

He felt like such a terrible person.

Angela was crying but she stretched out her chubby little hand to wipe away Dominic's tears.

"Domi, Angela wants to be with you forever, will you please not leave?"


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