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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 305

Roxanne hastily unclasped herself from Evelyn's embrace, eager to follow the doctor and get an update on Dominic's condition.

"I'm his family," she replied instantly.

They may not have ended up husband and wife, but from now on Dominic would be her dearest brother.

Despite Dominic being only three months older than her, he was her brother in all the ways that mattered, perhaps even closer than blood.

With eyes brimming with worry, she trailed after the doctor.

Evelyn didn’t want to be left behind, so she chimed in, "Roxanne, I'm coming too."

"Evelyn, stay in the room with him." Roxanne turned, her voice tinged with soft urgency. "What if Dominic wakes up and no one’s there?"

Evelyn hesitated, torn between the need for information and the fear of missing Dominic's potential awakening.

Roxanne gently patted Evelyn’s hand to reassure her, "Trust me, I'll find out everything from the doctor and tell you as soon as I get back. Stay with Dominic for now."

"Alright," Evelyn conceded, wiping away her tears.

Once she saw Roxanne follow the doctor out, she hurried back to the hospital room.

There lay Dominic, hooked up to a myriad of machines with an oxygen mask on his face. His heart and brain functions were being monitored. Thankfully, the vital signs on the monitor looked normal.

But Dominic remained unconscious.

Evelyn's sobs came in waves.

"Dominic, please, you have to be alright. I still want to marry you and have children with you."

"You always said you loved Angela," she whispered through her tears, "I’ll give you a daughter just as adorable as her. Please be fine."

Meanwhile, Roxanne had reached the doctor's office.

The doctor settled behind his desk, his expression grave. "Are you the patient's wife?"

"No," Roxanne corrected, "I'm his sister. He isn't married."

The doctor's face grew even more somber. "Then we need to speak to your parents."

Roxanne felt a wave of panic. "Dominic and I aren't biological siblings. His parents divorced when he was little, and they both started new families. They haven't been in contact for years. We don't even know where they are now."

The doctor sighed deeply. The hospital was a place for healing, but it was also a place to witness to the coldness of human hearts.

Was Dominic a patient abandoned by his own family even before starting treatment?

Life could be so cruel.

"But this situation requires a next of kin," the doctor said, his tone indicating the lack of options.

Roxanne's hands were clammy with sweat, her tongue seemingly tied in knots from anxiety. "Is it serious, Doctor?"

After a pause that seemed to stretch on forever, the doctor finally responded.

Roxanne was on edge, fearing the worst. "It's okay, Doctor. Just tell me the truth. I can make decisions for Dominic. I'll cover all the medical expenses. Just give him a chance to live."

"It's not as serious as you think." The doctor gestured toward a chair in front of his desk. "Actually, I have some good news. Please, sit down and let's talk."

"Good news?" Roxanne exhaled a sigh of relief but remained tense.

After the doctor explained the situation, the weight that had been crushing her chest finally lifted.

Back in the hospital room, Roxanne saw Evelyn clutching Dominic's hand, weeping as though her heart would break.

Evelyn was a public figure, a corporate titan often seen in the media's glare. But now, this savvy businesswoman was crying like a child.

Roxanne's own eyes misted as she approached Evelyn, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Evelyn, don't worry. Doctor has brought us good news."

Evelyn looked up, her eyes swollen and bewildered.

Roxanne quickly rephrased the doctor's words. "Dominic had surgery a while ago, but they couldn't remove the whole tumor because it was pressing on vital nerves."

"With the medication over the years, the tumor has shrunk, and it's no longer pressing on anything critical."


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