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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 321

The sting of emotion hit Harrison's nose unexpectedly.

He had always prided himself on being exceptional in every way, a self-made man who never caused his father, Vincent, a moment's worry in the business world.

But the truth was, Vincent had his heart broken over him all along.

Being a parent was never easy.

Looking at his own life, Harrison realized he hadn't been present for most of it. Roxanne had gone through pregnancy, childbirth, and raised their little Angela up to three years old without much help from him.

Instead, it was he who had caused Roxanne so much pain.

He truly was a bastard, a failure of a man.

In front of his father, Harrison couldn't muster the sentimental words that would've pleased the old man.

He held his gratitude close to his heart and said sincerely, "Dad, in the future, when it comes to managing marriages, I will definitely learn from you."

Vincent patted his shoulder gently and said, "You're a good kid, Harrison. To admit one's fault is a virtue."

Harrison looked down, his gaze falling on his father's arm. The same arm that once swung a golf club with vigorous strength was now speckled with age spots and lacked its former power. Vincent had aged before his very eyes.

And Harrison hadn't even given him the chance to enjoy his golden years with little Angela.

Grateful words buried deep, Harrison resolved to do more and speak less from now on.

After leaving Dominic's, Evelyn drove back to her company.

The Miller Group was located in the bustling CBD of Seraphim Haven, just a stone's throw from the Rodriguez Group.

At the crossroads, her Bentley met Harrison's Rolls Royce.

Anthony, Harrison's driver, always slowed down at the sight of her car and would remind Harrison, "Mr. Harrison, that's Ms. Miller's car."

Harrison rolled down his window and glanced at Evelyn, who rested one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the window ledge, looking back at him.

Evelyn flashed a playful smile, "Harrison, you're coming into the office so late today. Don't tell me you spent the whole night making up for lost time with Roxanne." Her smile turned mischievous, "So, how was it? After several years without, was last night out of this world?"

Harrison's face became gloomy, and he admonished her, "Shouldn't you, as a lady, watch your language?"

“Oh, come on, Harrison. Don't be as stiff as those old executives on your team. Can't I, your friend, have a little fun with you outside of work?"

Jokes were allowed, but her jokes were always a bit too risqué for his taste.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you. I've got an interview to attend to. See you around," she said, waving her hand before speeding off.

Anthony pressed the accelerator, steering the car towards the parking lot, "Mr. Harrison, it's tough for someone as free-spirited as Ms. Miller to run such a big company under so many constraints."

Harrison didn't respond, but it was clear he was in a good mood; the loneliness that used to cloud his face was gone.

As they circled around the office building's ornamental fountain, Anthony suggested, "Now that you and the missus are back together, why not consider having another child? Otherwise, Angela might end up like Ms. Miller, burdened with the family business."

"There's no plan for a second child, and don't mention it to Roxanne," Harrison said, unwilling to pressure her.

As for Angela, Harrison had no intention of letting her follow in the footsteps of her aunt. Whether she wanted to join his company or pursue her own path, he would respect her wishes.


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