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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 329

Roxanne slipped her phone into the folds of her comforter, wearing a guilty expression that might have belonged to a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Her eyes darted nervously as she met Harrison's gaze.

Should she tell him that she had accidentally given Alexander a full-frontal view of Harrison fresh out of the shower, with not even a towel for modesty?

He wouldn't be mad at her, would he?

Better not to mention it.

Otherwise, it'd be one heck of an awkward reunion between the friends.

Alexander, showing the kind of discretion only a true friend could muster, had refrained from calling again that night, giving the couple their privacy.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and after years apart, Harrison would have plenty of energy to burn.

Alexander figured he should keep a low profile.

Some things, even the big things, could wait - Harrison deserved his moment of bliss.

Late into the night, Alexander grabbed his car keys, chuckled at his own single status, and shook his head ruefully.

He thought, "Everyone's got someone to cuddle up with, and here I am, the lone wolf."

Ever since his divorce from Hazel some four or five years back, women - stunning, intelligent, well-bred women - were never in short supply. But he had no interest in finding another partner.

Sometimes he pitied himself. Other times, he just felt the crushing weight of loneliness.

To keep busy, he'd thrown himself into managing the affairs of the Rodriguez Group, finding solace in the distraction of work. But solitude had a way of creeping up on him regardless.

Instinctively, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through WhatsApp, his thumb hovering over Chloe's avatar. He wanted to send her a message, just to ask if she was asleep, but it was past eleven, and he didn't want to intrude.

For some reason, despite the abundance of high-society women around him - educated, cultured, from impeccable families - they all felt too staged, as if wearing masks.

And those masks, worn for so long, had merged with their skin, making it impossible to separate the real from the false. Just like Hazel - the perfect wife, the perfect woman, until the truth surfaced, and the fact that Hazel had cheated on him six or seven times leaving a thorn in his heart that couldn't be easily removed without tearing him apart.

Now, as Alexander sat alone in his vast living room beneath the crystal chandelier that elongated his shadow, he felt the acute sting of loneliness. He had planned to drown his sorrows in a glass of red wine, but he had to drive to the airport to pick up another buddy, Samuel.

If anyone's luck was worse than his, it was Samuel. Since Nora's accident, Samuel's smile had vanished, and he hadn't spoken to Harrison in what felt like ages.

Alexander had hoped to help patch things up between the brothers and had considered asking Harrison to join him at the airport. But after catching a glimpse of Harrison's post-shower strut, he decided against it. Some moments were better left undisturbed.

It had been four years since Roxanne had been kissed, but Harrison's skills had only improved. He enveloped her delicate waist and kissed her with such passion that she melted into his arms, the gentle rise and fall of her chest mesmerizing him. It was his favorite feature, and he couldn't resist leaning in for more.

Considering her long hiatus, he was gentle and thorough with his foreplay, which stretched on for a good half hour.

"Are you ready?" Harrison asked, looking into the eyes of the woman beneath him, flushed with desire and irresistible allure.

Roxanne opened her eyes slowly, her cheeks rosy with a blend of shyness and excitement. She blinked, her eyes glistening, and gave a quiet nod of affirmation.

"Then I'll begin."


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