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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 39

Oliver and Charlotte were stunned by her strong and powerful demeanor, standing frozen in place.

Was this the same Chloe they knew? What happened to the Chloe who had always been submissive and easily bullied?

Charlotte couldn't respond for a moment as a lump formed in her throat. Had Chloe set her up?

"Damn woman, did you intentionally scheme against me?" Charlotte shouted angrily. She frequently used the phrase ‘damn woman’ to insult Chloe. Whenever Chloe did something that displeased her, Charlotte would lash out and use this phrase to degrade her. In the past, Chloe hadn't fought back, given that Charlotte was the elder in the family. But now, Chloe had decided not to tolerate Charlotte's insults any longer.

"Isn't that title specifically meant for shameless old women like you?" Chloe retorted. "I'm young, energetic, and have a sense of shame. How could I fit that title?

But you! You’re old and cunning as ever; 'damn woman' is the perfect description for you." Chloe countered.

Charlotte trembled with anger. "You…you…"

Despite her usual talent for arguing, Charlotte was slow to respond this time, struggling to find words to counter Chloe's retort.

"Oliver, look at this wicked woman of yours. She deserves to die, not only for deceiving me but also for insulting me. Do something about her!" Oliver was about to take action, but Chloe's gaze turned sharp.

"Oliver, take a look at what's installed in the corner over there."

Oliver looked up; his irritation was evident. "When did you install surveillance?"

"You've threatened to hit me more than once. I don't want to wait for you to actually do it. If you dare to strike me, I'll take the video to the authorities."

Chloe stood tall, facing Oliver's hostile glare. From that moment on, she intended to protect herself. She would no longer live in fear.

True to form, Oliver didn't dare to make a move.

"Fine, I won't hit you. But you need to apologize to Mom and return the fifty thousand we borrowed from relatives to Mom."

"Oliver, she can insult me, but I can't insult her? Why the double standard? And are you still pretending to be innocent? This money that you secretly gave your mother was stolen from me. Our child needed surgery, and you didn't even give a penny, all while hiding it from me. Do you have the audacity to ask me for this money back?"

Chloe finished and played the secretly recorded conversation between Oliver and his mother.

Upon hearing it, Oliver clenched his teeth.

"Chloe, now you're even resorting to secret recordings? So what? I earned that money, and I have the right to decide where it goes. You have no say in the matter."

Fearlessly, Chloe responded, "Fine, I have no say. But does the law have a say? If you want that fifty thousand, go ahead and sue me. Let's see what the court decides."

She had evidence, and she wasn't willing to waste any more time on them.

She put down her phone and grabbed her purse. "I need to go to work. You two can take your time finding a decent lawyer."

Even if they found a lawyer, the lawyer wouldn't support them. Therefore, when Roxanne left, she exuded confidence and disdain.

But behind her, Charlotte was crying out in frustration.

Fifty thousand. It was fifty thousand! That was the money her son had given her! She had no intention of giving it to Chloe, but in the end, she was easily deceived out of it.

For Charlotte, fifty thousand was as important as life itself.

Charlotte cried bitterly, "Oliver, you must get this money back for me, or I'll jump off a building."


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