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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 68

When it came to heartbreak, Roxanne gave Nora a thorough once-over.

The sight of her wiping away tears, looking so disheveled and vulnerable, was enough to break anyone's heart.

Her pitiful demeanor, coupled with the stunning white dress she wore, made her look irresistibly beautiful.

What kind of man could make such a beautiful woman cry such heartbroken tears?

Turned out, there were plenty of those guys in the real world.

Men who didn't appreciate good women were all around us.

Take Chloe's boyfriend, Oliver, for example; he's one of those guys who just doesn't know what he's got.

Roxanne comforted Nora with resolve, "Girl, you should be grateful. It's that man who didn't appreciate you. This way, you'll find your Mr. Right at your next opportunity."

That man?

Nora, who had been crying uncontrollably, stopped crying.

She simply couldn't tell Roxanne that the "man" she was talking about was Roxanne's husband.

Nora took a closer look at Roxanne.

The more she looked at her, the more striking and beautiful she found her.

Although a bit jealous, she felt that Harrison indeed deserved to be with such a gorgeous and spirited girl.

But, why would Harrison's wife be zipping around the lanes of Urban Sun Village on an e-scooter?

And the clothes Roxanne was wearing looked pretty ordinary, not like those rich socialites that usually hang around Harrison.

She seemed more like a regular girl from the lower rungs of society.

Nora was curious. How did Harrison and Roxanne end up getting married?

She tried to ask, "You... you're newlyweds, right?"

Roxanne asked back, "How did you figure that out?"

Nora responded, "You seem pretty glowing, like you just went through something happy, just a wild guess."

Roxanne again asked, "How did you guess that?"

Feeling a connection, Roxanne briefly told Nora about her marriage.

Then she comforted Nora again, "Look, there are a lot of people in this world who either married someone they're not satisfied with or just got hitched on a whim."

"Just like me, I married a man, not out of love but for some necessary reasons. Although now, my husband seems pretty reliable and responsible. But we're not together because we fell in love."

"But you're different. Although it seems like you got your heart broken, you got away from that guy, which gives you the chance to find your true love."

"In the future, your Mr. Right will definitely meet you at the right time."

Nora thought what Roxanne said made sense.

But Nora felt the need to clarify, "Uh, Ms. Martinez, you might have misunderstood. Even though I got my heart broken, the man I love isn't that kind of man; he's not irresponsible. It's just that we weren't a good match..."

"What wasn't a good match? That's just an excuse. Wait... how do you know my last name?"

"Oh, well..." Nora was a bit nervous, "I've seen you before; you were with your friend. I know her, but you probably don't remember me."

"Which friend?"

Roxanne couldn't remember; did she have a rich friend who drove a Bentley?

She had no recollection of that.

Seeing Nora's nervousness, Roxanne quickly said, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

Roxanne also quickly said, "I hit your car, I can compensate you."

Looking at the dent in the car door, Nora smiled and said, "It's okay; this amount of money is nothing. I can claim it from insurance."

"But I caused it; I should compensate you."

"You really don't have to. My family isn't short of this amount of money."

Just a few tens of thousands of dollars, for the Dawson family, this amount of money was really nothing.

Nora quickly said, "Ms. Martinez, don't worry. I just think that there's no need for you to compensate."

Knowing Roxanne's situation and understanding her living conditions, Nora felt that she was really having a tough time.


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