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The Windfalls of Love novel Chapter 85

Harrison asked, "You want me to come back ASAP?"

Roxanne didn't know how to respond.

Then Harrison asked again, "You want me to come back?"

"No, not really." Roxanne's mind couldn't catch up for a moment. She didn't understand why she was always tongue-tied when responding to Harrison.

She grasped her phone tightly, lost in thought for a while. She was sure that she was just used to having Harrison around. His sudden absence left her feeling a bit lonely. But it didn't mean she started missing him.

Thinking about this, she didn't feel so awkward and nervous anymore, and her heartbeat gradually returned to normal.

Then she said, "Harrison, your performance at the company has been recognized. They even entrusted you with such an important task as going to London. You should finish your task before you come back. I was just asking. It’s nothing urgent."

Harrison on the other end of the phone calmly said, "I thought you wanted me to come back ASAP. If you do, I can arrive at Seraphim Haven tomorrow morning."

"No need," Roxanne quickly said. "The company sent you to work there, you can't just come back because you want to."

Indeed, he couldn't just come back because he wanted to. He was a major shareholder of the group, wasn't he the one who called the shots? He said again, "Don't worry, I'll work hard here and won't let the company's training and trust in me go to waste. They're planning to give me a raise next month."

"Another raise?" Roxanne said in surprise. "Harrison, your business skills must be really strong. You've been there for a month, just got a bonus, and now you’re getting a raise?"

"I've been in this line of work before I started my own business. Business is tough right now, so since I've gone broke, I'll stick to my old trade and work hard." Lying had become second nature to Harrison.

Roxanne really believed him. "How much did your salary increase?"

"Not much, a few hundred," Harrison said. "When I get my salary next month, I'll keep some pocket money, and give the rest to you to manage."

"Why give it to me?"

"Since I married you, we have to live together. From now on, all the financial issues at home should be handed over to you. You know how to save, and I trust you with our finances."

When Harrison said this, Roxanne felt a bit warm inside. He was different from other men, especially Oliver.

After Chloe got married, she never saw any money from Oliver, and it was always difficult to ask him for money. But Harrison was different. He took the initiative to give her control of their finances. This showed that he was indeed a good man.

Roxanne felt very satisfied. "Thank you for your trust, I will definitely take good care of our home and make our life better and better."


"Harrison, I have to tell you something really dramatic."

She told Harrison about Chloe's encounter with Mr. Alexander and how Mr. Alexander saved her. Harrison's reaction after hearing this was very calm.

Roxanne asked, "Harrison, don't you think this is dramatic and surprising?"

"There's nothing surprising in this vast world," Harrison said indifferently.

Roxanne said, "This is too coincidental, like a plot from a novel. Meeting a big boss on the street, then being saved by the big boss. This actually happened to Chloe."

Harrison, "Mm."

Roxanne, "Mr. Alexander and his wife are very friendly and approachable, not at all like the arrogant rich people."

Harrison, "What do you think rich people are like?"

Roxanne, "I've never been in contact with rich people, I don't know. Also, Harrison. Mr. Alexander said that his brother, whose net worth is 10 figures, married a very ordinary woman, and his brother stays with his wife every day. I really don't know how that woman got so lucky."

Harrison tentatively asked, "What, you also fantasize about marrying such a rich man?"

"I wouldn't harbor unrealistic fantasies," Roxanne quickly explained. "I like a down-to-earth life. When two people are together, they should be of similar strength, only then can they go further. If it's really like Mr. Alexander said, one is a rich man, the other a commoner, they will have no common topics, different social circles, different lifestyles, interests, and preferences. How could they last?"

Today she just wanted to chat more with Harrison. Only when she heard his voice would she feel at ease. In the past, every night, she would sleep in the room, while Harrison would sleep on the couch outside. Although separated by a door, she knew that as long as his figure was outside the door, she wouldn't feel lonely.

His absence these past few days made the empty house seem cold. She just wanted to hear more of his voice, so she actively found many topics to chat about with him. But she was afraid of affecting his work. It was already bedtime in their country, but it was still daytime in London.

She quickly asked, "Harrison, are you busy now? Did I disturb your work?"

"No." Harrison also wanted to talk to her a bit more.

Only by hearing her voice, would he feel comfortable.

In fact, he had just started a morning meeting, and the ten-minute break had passed; he had to return to the meeting room. But he was still on the phone with Roxanne. He asked again, "Roxanne if you were lucky and married a super-rich man, would you be happy?"

"Are you a super-rich man?" Roxanne countered.

Harrison paused for a moment. "No, I mean if."

"There are no ifs. If I really married a super-rich man, I definitely wouldn't."


"Why would a super-rich man be interested in me?"

"What if he was?"

"That would be in my dreams."

An unreachable dream actually came true for Roxanne.

Harrison was afraid of scaring her off, so he dropped the subject. "You heading off to sleep? Make sure you lock the door, I got stuff to deal with."

"Off you go then," Roxanne reminded him. "Oh, Harrison, isn't Vincent's birthday in ten days?"

"How did you know?" Harrison asked.

Roxanne, "I saw his ID the last time."

Harrison, "Yeah, his birthday is coming up."

Roxanne, "So, it's in eight days then. You should probably head home, I want to go with you to buy a birthday gift for your dad."

This year was Vincent's 70th birthday. Vincent planned to celebrate it properly, and Harrison had prepared a birthday party for him. If Roxanne wanted to celebrate Vincent’s birthday with Harrison, there might be...

Harrison frowned. "We'll talk about it when I get back."

Roxanne, "Alright, go on with your work, we'll talk when you get back."

After hanging up, Roxanne turned off the light and prepared to go to sleep. The room was pitch black. Roxanne couldn't help but feel nervous. She had gotten used to having Harrison by her side.

He'd only been gone for three days, and now even the moonlight seemed cold. When you got used to loneliness and suddenly a warm person barged in, it could make you dependent.

She picked up her phone again and sent Harrison a message. [Harrison, make sure you eat well and take care of yourself in London.]

Harrison, who was far away in London, had just returned to the meeting room and sat down. Seeing the message, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Then, he replied. [Go to sleep, goodnight!]

Sitting across from him, Samuel chuckled. "Harrison, texting your wife?"

Harrison's smile disappeared and his face turned serious. "Back to the meeting!"


The next afternoon, Roxanne had to go to the customs office.


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