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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107 

Naylor stared into the mirror, his features clouded with a brooding intensity. Despite his handsome reflection, his thoughts were consumed by the nagging sense of unease that Mervin’s thinly veiled comments had instilled in him. The guy had a way of getting under his skin, and considering Mervin’s connections, it made Naylor more irritated

As he gazed at his own reflection, his eyes inadvertently drifted over his shoulder to the empty room behind him. What did you see?he murmured softly to himself

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, Naylor adjusted his smile to that of his usual charming self. He was here on the show thanks to a favor from the Lopez family, and he wasn’t about to let some minor irritations ruin his chances. Even if the Ghostly Guidance,” wasn’t a smash. hit, he was determined to network with the likes of Kane, Candace or even Bagot

With his good looks, he will definitely become famous

With a confident smirk curving his lips, Naylor turned off the faucet, dried his hands, and prepared to leave the bathroom. But out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a distorted shadow behind his reflected self. It was as if the mirror had warped, twisting the space behind him into a humanoid shape

Naylor’s heart skipped a beat, and he spun around, only to find nothing there. When he looked back at the mirror, everything appeared normal. He must have been seeing things

Convincing himself it was just his imagination, Naylor exited the bathroom

The first day at the mansion was meant to be simple: cook two meals, garden, tidy up, and introduce themselves to the neighbors as the new residents. The six cast members were 

divided into teams for the tasks

Winnie and Kane were assigned to meet the neighbors. They gathered an assortment of candies and snacks the producers had left in their rooms as gifts for their visits

Stepping out of the mansion, they made their way to the neighboring houses. As the cameraman moved away to capture a wide shot, Kane casually turned off his microphone. Winnie, seeing his action, followed suit

Once they were sure their conversation wouldn’t be recorded, Winnie broke the silence. Thanks for having my back earlier,she said, referring to the earlier confrontation with Mervin over Naylor

Kane didn’t even turn his head as he replied, his voice colder and more detached than the smooth persona he presented on camera. It’s my job, but I don’t like it when people cause me trouble while I’m working.” 

Winnie didn’t take offense to his blunt demeanor. She had thanked him out of courtesy, not expecting anything in return. As the cameramen approached again, she calmly agreed with Kane. You’re right. I don’t like it either.” 


At her words, Kane frowned. He was not sure the troublemaker she referred was him or 

someone else

As the cameras focused back on them, Kane swiftly turned his microphone back on, and they continued their task, knocking on the doors of the sprawling estates. The neighborhood felt deserted, and their interactions were minimal, casting a chill over the live stream 


Back in the live chat, viewers typed away, some expressing boredom until a message suddenly flashed across the screen: OMGI What was that creepy thing that just passed by?!Everyone’s attention snapped back to their screens. The camera panned to reveal a hunched old woman standing in a garden behind a thicket of bushes, staring coldly towards themor perhaps directly at the camera

Who the heck is that lady? Her stare is freaking me out!” 


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