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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147


"None of your business" I snapped feeling annoyed about this whole thing. Why was I getting questioned?

A sigh fell from the older guys lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose "Ever heard of an MC called Vagos?"

My world stopped as I felt the bile rise in the back of my throat. Even the name made my insides turn and my skin crawl. Pinching the inside of my arm I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip.

"I'll take that silence as a yes. Those bodies belong to that MC and we believe Mr Thomas murdered them in cold blood and we think this is just the start".

"Blaze is gone" I muttered "And I don't know anything so if you don't mind I need to get back to work".

What had Blaze done?!

"Of course Miss Mendez but stay local we might need to ask you a few more questions". Watching them get to there feet the hairs on the back of my neck raised as he slipped a card my way "Just in case you here something". Once I heard the door close I buried my head in my hands.

I knew he had got them. The ones that hurt me he had killed them, just like he said he would. Feeling the nausea in the pit of my stomach I got to my feet rushing toward the trash can. Wiping my mouth I ran my hand over my forehead. I suddenly didn't feel so good.

I knew I had to go to my dad. I had to go back to the clubhouse and find out what they knew.

I had been parked down the street for at least 20 minutes. I couldn't find the courage to walk back in there and show my face. I was embarrassed. I didn't know what to expect but I knew I had to put my big girl panties on and finally face them. At the end of the day they were my family, every single one of them.

Pulling into the parking lot the first person to notice me was Jared. He was working on his bike with a few other guys. Coming to a stop I watched him wipe his hand on a rag before making his way to me.

"Guess you heard?" He asked as I pushed my sunglasses onto the top of my head.

"Well it's not everyday you get a visit from the cops now is it? What was he thinking Jared?" Deep down inside I was glad they were dead. They deserved nothing but misery and pain but I didn't want him doing things that will get him killed or spend the rest of his life in jail.

"You spoke to the cops? Jesus Ava" Running a hand over his face he spat a few curse words out.

"Calm down I didn't say anything I'm not stupid. Where is he Jared?" I knew he knew where he was and I knew he was always in contact with him. Wouldn't surprise me if he helped with killing them.

"Nowhere now-..."


"Dad" Giving him a nod I watched as my mom stood by the clubhouse door with Leighton in her arms. Pulling me in for a hug he squeezed me tightly against him.

"Why haven't you been here? Why haven't you been answering my calls?".

It wasn't out of badness that I was trying to separate myself from the club it was just everything and everyone here reminded me of him.

"Sorry dad I've been busy".

Snorting I watched him take out a smoke "That damn boys lucky I never put a bullet in his fucking skull" He growled making me roll my eyes. "This is your home Ava don't you dare forget that. Come inside once you're done we need a chat". My mom was still stood by the door never once did she interrupt just stood observing.

"You're dads right this is your home. Don't shut us out Ava".

"I didn't shut you out I needed time to think, time to process that he wasn't going to be around anymore. I'm sorry okay".

"Okay" He replied giving me that goofy grin.

Once inside I found myself heading straight towards his bedroom. I knew this was probably the worst thing to do when I needed to move on but I couldn't help myself. Deep down I knew I wasn't going to move on and forget. No matter how much I tried I love him and part of me always will. Opening his closet I pulled out one of his shirts and brought it to my nose. Inhaling deeply my eyes closed on there own.

God I missed him so much.

Chapter 147 1

Chapter 147 2


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