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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150

I didn't want to talk about this anymore. In a way she was right but I was not about to get into an argument with my best friend over my past.

"Well it's done now and I can't change it so let's just leave it at that okay?".

"The right guy will come along you just need to open up and let it happen".

The last thing I wanted was a new relationship. I had bigger things to worry about and dating was not one of them. "I'm not interested in the right guy coming along. I'm happy just being myself and enjoying my life".

"Then just use them for the sex" Sticking her tongue out at me I couldn't help but laugh "Girls night out is exactly what you need and I'm going to organise it".


"Ally I don't want-..."

"I'll get Chantelle and Lexi down and we'll get you hooked up. Drinks will be flowing and everyone will know your sexy little ass is available".


"Next Sat-..."

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out and she fell silent. She wouldn't shut up. I didn't want to go out and hook up. I didn't want creeps hitting on me. I didn't want people to know I was available.

"And it's his?"

Narrowing my eyes I crossed my arms over my chest "Of course it's his I haven't been with anyone else" I snapped.

"No I didn't mean it like that I just meant when you were hurt did they..."

"Blaze is the father Ally and you are the first person I have told so please don't say anything and whatever you do, do not tell Cage".

"That's why you're not drinking and it now makes sense as to why your skin is glowing. How far along?".

"Nearly 4 months".

"Do you plan on telling him?" She asked

I couldn't tell him. He didn't want to come back and he sure as hell wasn't getting to use my baby as an excuse to do just that. Shaking my head no I ran a hand over my face "I can't reach him and if he was to come back here Ally then it has to be because he wants too not because I'm having his child".

"When are you planning on telling your mom?".

That was a good question. I wasn't planning on telling anyone because when I first found out I wasn't planning on still being here. I had already spoke to my former boss about getting my old job back.

"Not sure I plan on telling anyone" I shrugged. It was no ones business but mine.


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