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Wolf Bane's Secret: Unraveling The Bond Of Destiny novel Chapter 7

The sound of glass shattering can be heard and the sound of objects getting destroyed can be heard too.

" I hate you! I hate both of you!" Xander yelled and threw the couch on the floor. He grabbed the vase and threw it on the wall, pieces of it hit him and cut his face. Blood oozed out but he didn't care.

" Alpha" The servants called in a panic, afraid he might hurt himself.

" Go, go and call the old Alpha" One of the servants yelled and threw servants ran to the old Alpha's apartment to call him.

Wiping the blood off his face, he punched the wall countless times, groaning and whimpering. His hair was messy, his eyes were reddish. He wanted to cry but at the same time don't want to break down in the presence of his subjects.

" Argh!!!!" He let out a scream and shifted into his wolf form. A white giant wolf with blood dripping from its face stood in the room.

" Xander" Alpha Sawyer called but it was too late, Lexi had taken over his body.

" Lexi" He called and stretched his hand forward in a bid to calm him down but a growl from Lexi sent him back.

" Do not come closer" Lexi hollered and ran out of the room through the window.

He jumped and ran through the streets of the pack and the subjects made way for him. They knew it was him, no one has the same aura as him and they wondered what could have happened at the pack house. Did the old Luna die?

Lexi found himself in the dark woods, under the heavy rain, he sat on a rock and looked up at the sky before letting out a loud growl.

He sat under the rain for what seemed like hours, his fur was drenched with the rainwater.

" Xander, come back home, your mother is having a seizure" Alpha Sawyer's voice came through the mind link.

He stood up and looked around, he was far from the pack house and it will take him forty minutes to get to the pack house.

" I'll be there shortly" He replied through the mind link and mind linked his gamma.

" Roland, bring the race car and some clothes to the tall building. I will be there shortly" He mind-linked and jumped the trunks of the woods

" Got it" Roland replied

Thirty minutes later, he arrived at the green tall building and saw the car race car parked at a corner.

He approached it and shifts into his Human Form. Roland wrapped a blanket around Xander but he threw it off and grabbed his brief. He wore it and threw a jacket around his shoulder.

He stretched his hand forward and Roland placed the car key in his hand.

" Are you coming or not?" He asked and Roland joined him.

Roland already heard the gossip of what happened earlier but this wasn't the right time to discuss it with the Alpha. He was still hurt and he still have his mother to worry about.

Xander stepped on the accelerator and they zoomed into the streets of Crystal Pack.

They arrived at the gate of the pack house and the guards opened the gate before they drove in.

" Take care of the car" Xander mumbled and threw the key at Roland who was still sitting in the passenger seat.

He watched Xander walk into the pack house barefooted with just a jacket and boxers.

" Do you think the alpha has gone crazy?" Roland mumbled, his hand placed on his cheeks.

" Who wouldn't go crazy after seeing their mate getting fucked by one of their trusted friends?" Roland's wolf Roger sneered in his head.

" Tsk! You have a dirty tongue" Roland snapped and moved to the driver seat.

~~~~Luna Alessandra chamber ~~~~

Chapter 7 1


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