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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 54

“What are you talking about, uncle!” Amelia yelled and sprang to her feet.

“Elena is your sister, Amelia. She is your twin sister!” He responded and also sprang to his feet.

“Noo… that is impossible. Elena can never be my sister. Do you know how much that girl hates me?” Amelia asked in anger.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t choose that, okay? Can you at least let me finish explaining?” Freddie asked, and she shook her head aggressively.

“I would love to hear from that man outside.” She uttered and stormed to the door.

“That man is your father, Amelia! He isn’t just a man.” Freddie answered, following behind her.

Amelia stormed out of the office and headed to the living room to look for Hopper.

She got to the living room and found Hopper sitting on the couch and doing something on his cellphone.

“Amelia…” Hopper heard Freddie call, and he looked up to see Amelia in front of him. She stared at him speechlessly.

“Heyy…” He said and stood up.

“I want to hear everything from you.” Amelia uttered.

“Amelia, I’m telling you the truth! Why can’t you believe me?” Freddie asked in disappointment.

“Believe you? You have been lying to me my whole life! Why on earth would I want to believe you now?” Her voice was loud and full of rage.

“Amelia.” Hopper called, and she shifted her gaze from Freddie to him.

“You want to hear from me? Fine, I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Ask me anything.” Hopper added.

Amelia gulped hard and nodded. She sat on the couch opposite the one Hopper sat, and he sat on the couch too.

“Is it true that I was adopted by my deceased parents?” She inquired.

“Yes. They adopted you from us, your biological parents, Hopper and Penelope.”

Amelia lowered her head and covered her face with her hand. More tears heated her eyes as reality began to dawn on her.

“Sooo…” She shuttered and looked up at Hopper again. “Why didn’t you come back after they were murdered? Why didn’t you come back for me? Why come back now?”

“We didn’t think it was a good idea to break the news to your sister that she had an elder sister. We tried throwing it to her, but she wasn’t really pleased. Your mom didn’t want to see her angry, so she asked Freddie to take you in.”

“So she has hated me from the very beginning?”

“No, Amelia. Not hate. She just hates sharing what or whoever she loves with someone else. We needed to give her time to mature.”

“And me?? Why didn’t you care about what I felt?! Why did you make me believe I had no one else in this world!”

Amelia burst into great tears and Hopper looked at Freddie who looked sad too.

“I’m sorry, Amelia.” Hopper muttered, lowering his head too.

Amelia stopped crying all of a sudden and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

“Does Elena know that she has a twin sister now?” She asked and he shook his head.

“She doesn’t know yet. She returned home some weeks ago, and Penelope and I thought it was the perfect time to tell her the truth.”

“And do we have to tell her? Can’t we just keep living the way we used to? I don’t want to share anything with Elena either, even when it comes to my parents. The parents I knew are dead, and I want it to stay that way.” She answered coldly and sprang to her feet.

“No! Penelope wants her daughters back together.”

“And where was Penelope all these years anyway?! Why did she love one child more than the other? She made me suffer so much, I needed someone, and she wasn’t there! I don’t need a mother now, I am fine the way I am!” Amelia yelled, and Freddie flinched.

“Amelia…” Freddie called.

“I hope this is all a nightmare! I wished my parents were never killed that night, I still wish until this day. They were the only ones that truly cared about me. I would never forgive those that killed them. They would never hurt anyone.” Amelia mumbled.

Freddie and Hopper exchanged looks and quickly broke their eye contact.

“Amelia, I’m sorry you had to go through all these alone. And I’m grateful Freddie was there to take care of you all the way. But can we forget the past? Your real parents are here now. We want you back.”

“And I don’t want you! Why are you coming to ruin my life now that it is beginning to make sense to me? I was better off knowing my parents were dead and I had no siblings! It’s a nightmare to know I am Elena’s twin!”

“Amelia!” Freddie smacked.

“They always chose her, they should keep doing that. I don’t think she would want me anywhere close to her in any way.”

Amelia grabbed her bag and proceeded to the exit.

“Amelia, can you please calm down?” Freddie ran up to her and held her hand, making her stop.

“Let me go, Uncle. I’m trying not to hate you right now. I thought you loved me.”


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