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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 55

It was exactly a week Amelia last spoke to Freddie. They had no contact whatsoever since she found out the truth about her parents.

Freddie didn’t bother to call her, and she was still very mad at him, so she didn’t bother to contact him either. He believed she needed time just like Hopper had told him.

Amelia sat comfortably in the living room, her legs crossed on the couch, a bowl of popcorn on her legs, and in front of her was the large television with her favorite movie playing.

Since she found out the truth, she had been so sad and pretty depressed. She often woke up in the middle of the night, crying and staring at her parent’s portrait.

James thought of ways to cheer her up a bit, and started off with taking a one week break from the office with her to reduce pressure on her.

He began to stay in the kitchen and started learning how to cook which impressed Amelia a lot.

He searched online for beautiful ladies stuff to buy her, and even went ahead to look for interesting romance comedy movies to make her laugh.

James didn’t give her a chance to sit and think about what had happened for too long. Amelia saw how hard he tried to make her happy, and she tried to make sure he saw improvements.

She was busy watching her movie, waiting for James to return from the grocery store so that they could make dinner together, when she heard the doorbell ring.

“James?!” She called excitedly and ran to the door to get it. She opened the door with no hesitation and almost jumped on who was in front of her, before she realized it wasn’t James.

It was a beautiful woman, she looked like she was in her late forties.

‘Why does she look so much like me?’ Amelia thought as they both stared at each other.

“Hi.” The woman finally spoke.

“Hi.” Amelia responded in a low tone. She could guess who this woman was.

“Who are you?” She added before she could say any other words.

“I’m Penelope. I believe you know who I am now.” She responded, divulging a soft smile.

Amelia heaved a loud sigh and gulped hard. It was like this woman gave her heart a hard, mean knock.

“What are you doing here?”

“Won’t you at least let me in, baby?”

“Baby?! I’m not your baby.” Amelia responded. He let go of the door knob and walked back to the couch.

She didn’t lock the door, so Penelope took it as a permission to enter the house.

“Amelia, dear, I know you are mad at me and don’t want to have anything to do with me. But can you at least give me a chance to explain?”

Amelia turned abruptly to look at her and clenched her fist as she spoke.

“There’s nothing to explain, Ma’am! I have heard everything from Uncle Freddie and Mr. Hopper. Is there anything new you want to tell me?”

“Yes, Amelia. I want you to know I love you so much! The same way I love your sister!”

“I don’t have a sister.” Amelia mumbled and slammed into the couch. She picked the bowl of popcorn and threw some in her mouth, forcing them down her throat.

Penelope sighed loudly and threw her head backwards. “Can I at least sit, Amelia?” She asked very calmly.

Amelia exhaled and lowered her head. She slowly nodded, and Penelope smiled.

“Thank you.” She uttered and sat on the couch.

“Amelia, I never meant to leave you with Freddie,”

“But you did, didn’t you?”

“I know, and I’m sorry for doing that. After Clara and Stanley passed away, I wanted you back to me so bad. But, I couldn’t because your sister didn’t like the idea at that time.”

“Yes. So she decided to make her happy and then left me to live miserable?!”

“Live miserable? I made sure Freddie got enough to take care of you, Amelia.”

“Do you think it’s all about money? Everything isn’t money!! I wasn’t happy! My cousins made my life miserable! I never had one day of peace!”

Penelope lowered her head as she got really teary, listening to Amelia.

“I’m so sorry.” She mumbled.

“You don’t have to be… Thanks to what they did to me, I have become the woman I am now.” Amelia responded, fighting back her tears.

“It would have been better if you were with us.”

“And I wouldn’t have met my husband if I was with you. I’m happy everything is like this. We can just pretend like nothing has changed.”

“No, Amelia. I don’t want to…” She moved closer to her and held her hands.

“I know you hate me, but let me prove myself to you. I want my daughters back to me! I want you to know your younger sister and love her.”

“My younger sister? You mean Elena, right?”


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