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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 58

It was evening and James was still busy on his PC when he heard a knock on his door. He didn’t bother to look up before he asked the person in.

The door opened and unbelievably, Fred walked into the office. James raised his head and when he saw it was Fred, he knitted his eyebrows in disbelief.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He asked, and Fred let out a soft smile.

“Take it easy, James. I’m not here to fight you.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I came to check up on my friend, Amelia. I thought she would be busy at work, but it turns out I was wrong.”

James slammed the table with his hands angrily and stood to his feet.

“I can vividly remember she called you this morning and told you not to worry about her. Honestly, I don’t know what you are trying to prove.”

“Can you just calm down?” Fred asked, acting like he enjoyed how paranoid James was about him coming to pay a visit to Amelia.

“There’s no reason to calm down. Stay away from my wife, okay? We are good and she doesn’t need a comforter anymore. You may leave please.”

James looked away and sat behind his desk again. Fred chuckled and stared at James for some minutes.

“You have the guts thinking of coming here in the first place.” James muttered, keeping his furious eyes fixed on his Pc.

“Why are you so insecure about me being around her? Don’t you trust your wife?” Fred asked, and James clenched his jaws.

“I trust my wife. But you, I don’t trust you. You look so desperate and you could do anything sick! Get the hell out of my company and don’t you ever step your foot around here again!”

“Gosh, you are so hot tempered.”

“I don’t f**king joke with my wife! Next time you call her or stand close to her, it will be your end. Trust me.”

Fred exhaled loudly and smirked. He turned to leave and when he got to the door, he took a halt.

“I’m glad you know that I could do anything sick to get what I want.” He uttered and opened the door.

James looked up, and Fred slammed the door, making a loud noise.

“What the hell was that? Was he trying to threaten me?” James asked no one in particular.

The hatred he had for Fred multiplied, and he wished he had punched him in the face when he had the chance.

He got back on his PC, trying to pay more attention to it when his phone rang again.

“Wtf! Can’t I just have a few minutes to concentrate!” He yelled in rage.

He picked up his phone and when he saw it was Patricia calling, he swallowed hard and closed his eyes. He would hate himself if he spoke so rudely to her.

He answered the phone and placed it on his right ear.

“Hi, Patricia.” The loud background music filled his ear and began to wonder where she was.

“Wow. You still remember my name.” She mumbled.

James creased his brows when he heard her voice. She sounded drunk.

“Where are you, Patricia?” He began to worry.

“Why. do. you. want. to. know? You don’t care about me anymore. You don’t text me, you ignore my calls all the time.”

James clenched his fist and squished his forehead tiredly.

“Where are you, Patricia? I’m going to come to you.”

“Oh really? Don’t you have a wife to go home to? You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine.”

He didn’t let her finish her statement before he sprang to his feet and began to clear his desk.

“Where are you?”

“At a club. Isn’t it obvious?”

“That won’t help! There are many clubhouses! Which of them?”

“I don’t know. I just walked in! Stop yelling!” She screamed drunkenly.

“Just don’t go anywhere. Wait for me wherever you are. I’m coming.”

“Hmmm… okay. I… Hey, let me go! Leave me alone!”

James heard her beginning to struggle with someone, and he got furious. He picked his car keys and ran out of the office.

“Who the hell is that?!” He asked and the call got disconnected immediately after.

“F**k! What have you put yourself into?!”

He went on his tracking app and inserted her phone number. It brought out a map, and he began to follow the map to where she was.


“He is on his way here.” Patricia said after she hung up the call.

“You did a good job. Just stick to the plan.” Fred responded, and she nodded.

“Trust me on this one. You should hide now before he shows up.”

“See you later.” Fred said and walked away.

Patricia went to the bartender and asked for another drink, preparing herself for James’ arrival.

She drank all of the whisky at once and dropped the cup. She kept her gaze on the door from where she sat.

Finally, the door opened and James ran into the clubhouse.

“Patricia!” He called out loud, without thinking of the attention he would pull to himself.

Patricia hurriedly stood up and began to stagger to where he stood. She had tears in her eyes and she looked so frightened.


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