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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 61

“Hudson, what is wrong with you? Why do you keep doing things that make me regret you were ever born?!” Freddie smacked as Hudson tried to stand up.

He wiped his bloody mouth with the back of his hand and lifted his face to look at Freddie.

“Can we just stop pretending that you are always the good guy for a second? You think I didn’t know?! All these years, I have known you are not the man people think you are!” Hudson responded in a loud voice.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You think I’m stupid? You think I didn’t know you killed your brother? You think I didn’t know you once tried to rape his wife even when mom was still with us!”

“Shut up, Hudson!!”

“Why? You’re surprised I know all your secrets and how filthy you are? I got that stupid attitude from you, but you are always scolding me. Why?”

Freddie’s eyes heated up and watered as he listened to Hudson speak. He clenched his jaws and lowered his head.

“Why are you crying? Did you think no one would ever find out that you are the real monster?!”

“Enough! Yes, I have made mistakes when I was younger! Mistakes I’d forever regret. But I don’t want you to make these same mistakes! That’s why I’m doing this!”

Hudson scoffed and shook his head. “I choose to live my life the way I want it. I don’t care what you think about it.”

“Really? You think Amelia won’t take action for what you just did to her?!”

“Ah. Ah. Ahh… What can she do? She is always going to be a scared puppy. There’s nothing she can do.” He said boldly and turned to leave.

“You are highly mistaken! The Amelia you used to know isn’t the Amelia you messed with today. Don’t be surprised when you are thrown in jail for this.”

“I won’t be surprised, but you know the most exciting part of it? I would have a partner there, and that partner would be you! If I’m going to jail, you’re definitely coming with me, because I’ll tell everyone what you’ve done! You better do something about that.”

Hudson turned to leave and ran up the stairs. “And where the f**k is my sister??! I haven’t seen her since I arrived!” He added.

“Hudson!!!” Freddie called, but he was long gone. He punched the air aggressively and grabbed his head.

“F**k.” He muttered.

‘I need to apologize to Amelia before she tries to do anything about this.’

He pulled out his car keys from his pocket and headed out of the house again.


Amelia got rid of her torn clothes and found a casual dress to put on. James sat on the bed and watched her throughout the entire time.

Amelia looked at him again and saw he was still staring at her. “Why are you staring?” She asked, divulging a smile.

“Can’t I stare at my stunning wife again?” He responded, and she chuckled.

She walked to where he sat and sat on his lap. “Of course you can, but I know this isn’t just an ordinary stare. You have something going on in your mind. Talk to me.”

James heaved a sigh and shook his head. “No, it’s nothing.”

“C’mon, James. I know when there’s nothing. There’s definitely something. Talk to me. Please.”

“I’m just worried, okay? What if I didn’t get to the house on time? What if he succeeded? Look at how red your skin is? What if he hurt you and the baby? I’d never forgive myself for not going there with you.”

Amelia exhaled and shook her head. “But nothing happened, James. I’m fine, and our baby is fine too. You came at the perfect time. I knew you’d save me.”

James looked at her face and then at her belly. He placed his palm on her belly and looked at her face again. He rubbed the bulge slowly and carefully.

“Are you sure you feel fine? We should go to the hospital, or call the doctor to confirm that everything is fine.”

“No, James. Trust me, nothing is wrong with me. I’m not that weak. He didn’t hit me in the belly. Our baby is doing just fine.” She assured him with a hearty smile.

“He is going to pay for this.”

“Definitely. He once tried to do this to me but Uncle Freddie stopped him right in time, the same way you did today.”

“So this has happened before? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to bother you with my past, James. I never knew this was going to ever happen again. It’s not a memory I would want to share.”

James nodded and lowered his head. “I’m sorry. If I knew he once did this, I would have killed him at that spot.”

“I wouldn’t let you have his blood on your hands. He should be brought to justice the right way. We’ll tell the police about this and they’ll put him behind bars.”

“I’ll call my lawyer too. I’d be here to support you.” He responded and kissed her cheek briskly.

“Grrrrrr… grrrr.” The doorbell sounded all of a sudden, and they both exchanged looks.


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