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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 69


Amelia and James held hands as they sat in the living room with their other family relatives. It was the third day since the party and they were yet to find Alice.

The cops had also been working very hard to get more information about her whereabouts, but it seemed like Alice wasn't in Alabama at all.

Amelia had refused to eat until she had found her baby. James and the others had tried talking to her but all to no avail. She refused comfort from everyone one, even her husband, James.

"I am now more worried about Amelia than Alice. She looks so pale and thin. I don't know what else to do or say to her that would make her rest or eat. She tried sleeping yesterday, but ended up crying again." James uttered with great sadness.

Amelia kept her head on his shoulder and didn't bother to react to what he had said. It was as if she didn't hear him speak. The only thing she had in her head and could hear was Alice's little chuckles and smile.

"Amelia, can you please take it easy on yourself? We are all working very hard to find Alice. It is all over the internet and there's a reward of a million dollars for whoever finds her. People are also out looking for her." Penelope uttered.

"Amelia, please don't be too hard on yourself, okay? I'm begging you. We will find her, and I believe she will be in good health." Elena added.

"I believe the person that did this didn't just go through all that for fun. He or she must have a reason behind it, and I think that reason is money." Charles stated too.

Before anyone could say any other things, Amelia let go of James and sprang to her feet. James immediately stood up after her and held her.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to use the restroom. You don't have to come with me." She responded and headed to the stairs.

Everybody watched her in worry and pity as she walked up the stairs. They wished they could find Alice that very minute and bring her to Amelia.

"This is serious." Elena muttered, and James glared at her and clenched his jaws.

"How sure are we that you aren't having fun right now, hun?" He answered to her, and Elena sprang to her feet too.

"I have had enough of your accusations, James! I won't tolerate it any longer!" She smacked.

"And what will you do? Abduct my wife too? If you can deceive everyone seated here, you can't deceive me, okay? You are evil!"

"Enough, both of you!!" Charles yelled.

"I know you hate me, James. But I would never do that to Amelia. She is my sister! I love Alice as my own! Since she has been gone, I have always been here. If I was the one that took her, won't I leave to see her or plan for the next evil?! Are you even thinking at all?"

"The evil one would say anything and everything to seem like an angel. I knew there was something off when you suddenly apologized to Amelia. You have never done that. Not even when you took advantage of me!"

"Stop!!!..." Helen screamed and held her head. "Are you two reasonable at all? Are you thinking about Alice and Amelia? If you keep fighting everyday, we would never know who the real culprit is. So stop!" Helen cried.

James gulped hard and sat down. He still had his death stare on Elena. He just couldn't tell himself she was innocent.


Amelia heard the arguments in the living room from the room she was in. She headed to the door and locked it. She walked to the bed and slammed into it.

She picked her phone that was next to her pillow and switched it on. She hadn't put it on for three days.

Her phone came on, and messages started popping in. Messages from different social handles and different people.

"How are you, Amelia?" "I heard your baby was abducted. What are you going to do?" "Don't you suspect anyone?" "Amelia, this is the third day of reaching out, please reply to me once you have the chance."

She ignored all of these messages and went to her photo album instead. She began to look at Alice's pictures one after the other. As she stared at them, tears streamed down her eyes.

"Where are you, my little child? Come back to mummy. Mummy misses you so very much" She mumbled in tears.

As she kept scrolling through the pictures, her phone began to vibrate. It was a phone call. The number calling popped up on her screen, and it happened to be an unknown number.

She wanted to ignore the call, but then she thought about it again. 'What if this person calling has found Alice?'

She answered the phone and placed it on her ear.


"Hi. I believe this is Amelia. Are you alone?"

"Yes. Who is this please?"

"I am with Alice as I speak…"

"What?! Where are you? Who are you? I'm coming over right away!"


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