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A Unique Bodyguard: The Drop Dead Gorgeous CEO Fell for Me novel Chapter 3

After walking out of the ward, Jasper went back to the SY Group again. And then he went to the office of the president of the group, Harry Mendoza.

"Mr. Harry, I'm back. It's exactly an hour since I left." Jasper walked into Harry's office and looked at the time on his phone before speaking to Harry.

"Okay. It seems like I didn't judge you wrongly since you kept your promise and didn't run away with the money. Jack, make a cup of tea for Jasper. Jasper, sit down. There is something I want to talk to you about." Harry put down the pen in his hand and smiled as he said to Jasper.

Jasper nodded and sat opposite Harry.

"I've told you that you will be protecting my daughter. Money is not a problem for me, nor is it the most important thing to me. The most important thing to me is my daughter. She is my only child, and she is my world. I wonder if you can understand what I mean." Harry looked at Jasper and asked.

Jasper took over the tea which Harry's secretary had made him and thanked the secretary. And then he looked at Harry, nodded, and said, "I understand it very well. That is the thought of every parent in their heart."

"It's good that you can understand it. Just a few days ago, I got an anonymous threatening letter. Basically, the letter said that they might do something to my daughter if I don't do something to suit their convenience. Well, I'm old, and I'm not so brave now. I'm not afraid of what they may do to me, but I'm afraid that they may hurt my daughter. That's why I'm so desperate to find a bodyguard for her. Jasper, if you still think your salary is too low, I can pay you more money later. It doesn't matter how much I must pay. But in short, you must ensure my daughter's safety. I have seen your skills. I believe you can do it." Harry said earnestly to Jasper.

"That's not necessary. We've agreed on 500,000, and I won't ask for more. You trusted me and agreed to pay me in advance because you are a benevolent man. I can't 100% guarantee your daughter's safety, but I can guarantee you that I will do my best to protect her, even if I need to sacrifice my life." Jasper said tonelessly. Although there was no emotion in his tone, he sounded determined.

"Great. Then I'll depend on you to protect my daughter." Harry was pleased when he saw the look on Jasper's face.

He had been in business all his life, and to say he was a shrewd judge of character was not an overstatement. His strongest suit was to perceive the true nature of people. From the way Jasper spoke and behaved, he could tell that Jasper was completely trustworthy.

"Wait here for a moment. I'll call my daughter over, and you two can get to know each other. I haven't had time to tell her about you yet." Harry smiled and said. And then, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Jasper got up and left Harry's desk. He went back to the sofa in Harry's office and sat down there.

Just as Jasper was thinking, he heard footsteps in high heels coming from outside. And then, he saw a girl wearing a suit dress walk in. The girl looked about twenty-five or twenty-sixteen years old. She had a terrific figure and a perfect face. Even a man like Jasper, who had gone through too many life-and-death moments and whose mind was as settled as still water, could sense a ripple in his heart. She was indeed a beauty, and she was the most beautiful woman that Jasper had ever seen in his life.

The girl walked in and suddenly frowned. When she turned and saw that Jasper was smoking, she narrowed her eyes. She seemed to be discontented with Jasper smoking there, but she did not say anything. Instead, she walked to Harry's desk and asked, "What's the matter, dad? Why did you insist that I must come here? Can't you talk to me on the phone?"

"Rebecca, come here. Let me introduce someone to you. This is Jasper, Jasper Dodson, a veteran. He is a bodyguard that I have chosen for you." Harry came out, pointing at Jasper while talking to Rebecca.

"Hello," Jasper put out the cigarette out of courtesy, stood up to greet Rebecca.

However, Rebecca simply ignored him and stared at Harry with her eyes widened, "A bodyguard? Dad, are you joking? Are we still in the early twentieth century? We live in a legal society now, not a society ruled by mafias! Why do I need a bodyguard?"

"What do you know? Do you really think that no one will make a reckless move in a legal society? I've hired a bodyguard for you because I'm afraid that someone might harm you." Harry tried his best to persuade his daughter.


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