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Bumpkin’s Rich Handsome Husband novel Chapter 507

The mysterious figure only walked stealthily toward her and they did not seem to be sneaking around, judging from the way they walked; instead, it looked as if they were about to prey.

Without waiting for Veronica to speak, the person sat down by the bed and said, "I know you're not asleep."

She thought that the person's silhouette seemed a bit familiar. As expected, it was Xavier.

Even though she did not respond, her body tensed up as she was wary of him.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked gently and his mood was clearly different from the bloodlust tone he had in the underground cell earlier.

Still, it was a weird thing to ask, seeing that it would be impossible for her injuries to not hurt.

Since Xavier knew martial arts, he kicked her with all his power while treating her as if she was his mortal enemy and nearly beating her to her demise.

Although a few hours had already passed, Veronica still felt agony all over her body.

"I'm sorry," he apologized sincerely. "I brought some ointment for you.

Apply it." He set the medicine on the table and fell into silence.

With conflicting emotions, Veronica did not know how to face him. She then asked after a long hesitation, "Then, was it not your intention to kidnap Matthew?"

She recalled that in the cell, Xavier did mention that it was not him who threatened her into coming here.

This also means that someone else is behind all this.

"If I say no, would you believe me?"

Xavier asked after a brief moment of silence.

Understanding what he meant, Veronica asked, "Why did they kidnap Matthew and made me come here?"

"I don't know."

"Will I die?"

"Maybe you won't." Xavier was not sure either, so he could not give her a concrete answer.

"Is your backer the head of the triads?" "I don't know."

"You don't know or you don't want to tell me?"

"I don't know," he replied truthfully as he really had zero clue.

From the simple conversation, Veronica asked a lot of questions, which she did not get any answers to, making her even more high strung and uneasy.

In the dim bedroom, one was lying down while the other was sitting in mutual silence.

In the tranquility, they could hear the footsteps of the patrol walking outside as well as the wind caressing the leaves.

Seeing that Xavier had no intention to leave, Veronica purposefully made her breathing sound more stable so as to chase him away before she could execute her rescue plan.

Yet, Xavier knew her all too well.

"The security here is very tight with a world-class security system in place. It'll be close to impossible if you want to rescue Matthew out of here." As he reached into his pocket, he took a cigarette out before lighting it aflame.

The dark room was suddenly illuminated and Veronica opened her eyes to find an exhausted Xavier.

The scar on his face that she left with her necklace was still clearly visible as it looked like a struggling centipede, despite the lengthy six months.

Taking in a huge drag, he snorted it out through his nose, filling the room with the smell of nicotine.

"I couldn't care less if you broke up with Matthew for real or not, you best give up on that thought if you want to keep your life." Xavier gave her a warning.

This, however, was precisely what Veronica was struggling with.


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