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Bumpkin’s Rich Handsome Husband novel Chapter 838

Veronica curled her lips upward, unsurprised by Zac's words. "I only came here because I thought I could hear about my children, but if you don't say anything about them, I guess there's nothing else we both can talk about." She then paused for a few seconds and added, "As for the deal you mentioned, do you think I'd work with someone who killed my husband?" Only a fool would work with a wolf in sheep's clothing. Veronica wondered if she was so dumb in Zac's eyes that it made him think she would agree to work with him.

"Haha." Zac swirled the glass in his hand while keeping his eyes fixed upon the wine in it, ignoring Veronica's response, as if he was absolutely confident about his proposition.

Thinking Zac had no intention of answering her question, Veronica stood up and headed outside. However, as soon as she stood up, her vision suddenly blacked out shortly before she collapsed onto the couch. In a matter of seconds, Veronica suddenly felt all her energy drained from her body, struggling to move a muscle. "W-What did you do to me?" She glared at Zac and questioned the man, but despite using all her strength to talk, her voice still sounded so soft that it was barely audible.

"Haha… Look at you—the lady who outsmarted herself." Zac looked up and laughed. "You're a clever woman, which is why I'm using a fragrance that is odorless." He raised his hand and shook his glass while explaining what it was about. "This glass of wine actually contains the antidote you need, but unfortunately, you threw away the chance that I just gave you." In fact, Zac put the antidote into the wine when he poured it for Veronica. However, he was sure that she would not drink it due to her skeptical nature. As he expected, she fell for his evil scheme.

In the meantime, Veronica glared at Zac and shifted her gaze to the glass of red wine, sticking out her arm to reach for it, but no matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn't summon the strength to lift her hand. At that moment, she felt extremely vulnerable, like she was suffering from sleep paralysis. "M-My bodyguard is right outside the room, Zac. So, you'd better not do anything silly." The lady tried to warn the cunning man.

"Haha. You mean your foolish bodyguard? He has probably been lured away by my men by now, so he is not coming to save you. Unfortunately for him, I doubt he is even going to make it through tonight." Zac revealed his sinister plan while guzzling down the red wine in his glass. Upon placing it on the table, he ran his fingers through his blonde hair and smiled lecherously as he approached Veronica. The next second, he carried her in his arms and headed toward the bedroom.

On the other hand, Veronica was disgusted by the unpleasant alcoholic smell that was wafting toward her when she found herself in the man's arms. Despite her strong urge to flee, she didn't have the strength to move even a muscle as she was just like a defenseless pig ready to be slaughtered anytime. Ugh! That smell is driving me crazy! Where are you, Matthew? Please come back and save me. The poor lady couldn't stop praying for Matthew to return for her. As soon as she found herself in the bedroom, she was placed in the bed with a camera supported by a tripod stand beside it. This pervert is using the same old trick again. How cheap! God knows how many innocent ladies have fallen for his dirty trick. Darn you, Francis! Not knowing how many ladies had fallen victim to Zac's scheme, she cursed the man for his lechery and wickedness.

Zac sat beside the bed and caressed both sides of Veronica's jawline, whereupon he bent over and took a sniff of her. "Wow, you smell nice. That harlot, Tiffany, is nothing compared to you." He then pinched her chin and added, "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?"

"Get lost! Don't you dare touch me!" Veronica tilted her head, struggling to break free from Zac's grip, but to no avail. "I thought you liked men, didn't you? Now, go away."

"Haha. I'm glad that you know me well, but guess what? I like women too. Haha…"


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