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Bumpkin’s Rich Handsome Husband novel Chapter 942

"I think the best option is for her to lose her memory. If we succeed, we can get rid of Matthew and any future problems. As for their children, they'll be brought back to the hidden clan. They are my grandchildren, so I won't mistreat them."

On the other hand, Rory got off the phone and appeared from behind the crowd. He came to the front and stared at Veronica. "Miss Murphy, I'd advise you to follow us home. I don't want to… use forceful measures."

"Then, we'll just continue standing here. I don't think you can stand here all day without eating or drinking." Her words sounded like she was joking, but the others did not expect she would turn around to brace her hand on the engine's cover before hopping on and sitting there, leisurely swinging her legs and looking unhurried.

Time passed slowly, and though Veronica seemed unhurried, she occasionally checked the time on her wristwatch, exposing her anxiety. The two groups of people stood there for two hours, and Rory had a feeling that she was deliberately stalling for time but could not figure out why.

On the other hand, Lazlo approached her and whispered, "It's been two hours. Skyler and the others should have succeeded by now."

In actuality, the duo took the route on the mountain's south side because they wanted to buy some time for Skyler as he led the men from One Piece Restaurant through another route to the secret research center. Although that path was further, more rugged, and steeper, it was smoother without Crayson's men blocking their journey.

Looking up at the sun in the sky, she found the bright sunlight exceptionally blinding and narrowed her eyes. She tidied her hair behind her ear and whispered, "Let's hope everything goes smoothly for them."

Since Skyler arrived at the hidden clan, Matthew told him about his personnel and their distribution. That was why they split up after receiving the map of the secret research center in the west zone. He went to mobilize the highly skilled masters Matthew had arranged to stay in the hidden clan and brought all of them to the secret research center.

With a sufficient troop, Veronica thought there would not be a problem, but her right eye kept twitching for some reason, eliciting her insecurity.


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