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Chasing the rejected Luna novel Chapter 2




Dianne had always hated me for reasons I could not fathom. Not only did she hate me, she abused me and beat me at any slightest opportunity. Looking across from her, I knew she wanted the perfect opportunity to beat me up again.


I took a step back from her and she followed me. 


"Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Did the freak think herself to be important because she was mated to the future Alpha?" She laughed like a maniac and I looked to the ground, avoiding her gaze. She was a bitch. A real one and she acts everything like it, not bothering to hide her disgusting nature. 


"Have you suddenly gone deaf?" She screeched and held my shirt, dragging me to her. Her Perfume irritated my nose and I looked everywhere but her.


"I wasn't crying. And I had never thought myself to be important" I whispered and glared at the floor. Hard. 


"Good. You are trash and should stay where you belong," she said to me and released my dress with a hiss. 


I stumbled on my feet and made to pass by her and she deliberately moved to my way and I bumped into her. A slap landed on my face. 


My lips trembled from the impact of the slap but I didn't utter any word of protest or cry.


"Why don't you cry bitch?!" She hit me again and I gritted my teeth. She always wanted to see me cry but no matter how hard she hits me, I never cried. 


I guessed she was pained she wasn't in the room where I was being rejected by Alexander. It pained her not to see me cry. My eyes were puffy from the tears I shed from his rejection. But never again. These people were heartless. The little love I had for Alexander disappeared the moment he rejected me. 


"No matter how much you try to hide your tears, I know you are pained you were rejected. You must be delusional to think you would be made our Luna," she spat and kicked my knee which made to fall on my face. Dianne was evil. So evil I doubted if she was the real daughter of her mother. I wished she could fall ill and experience so much pain so she'll know how it feels to be in so much pain. 


"I never thought I would be your Luna. You would never be my Luna either," I said through gritted teeth, while I endured the pain she was inflicting all over my body from her kicks. Suddenly she stopped and gasped. 


"What did you just say? Why don't we show all the pack members how disrespectful you are to your new Luna." She grabbed my hair and pain erupted from my scalp and I yelped at it. I never knew I said the last part out. It was supposed to stay with me - in my head. But my lips betrayed me. 


She dragged me by my hair to the middle of the pack's field where some warriors were training. I tried to free her hands from my head but she was too strong coupled with the grip she had on me. 


My body scraped the rough ground, leaving some scratches on my skin. 


"Hello everyone. Guess what this trash did. She challenged me to a fight," Dianne said and everyone gasped including me. I knew Dianne had always been out for my blood but not to this extent.


"I didn't do that. I would never do that," I tried to tell everyone but my voice only came out pitifully weak. 


Fear gripped my bones. I was scared of what she would do to me if she shifted to her wolf. I would die for real this time. 


"What's this noise about?" Alexander came out from the crowd and stood behind Dianne before resting his hand on her waist. It was too painful to watch them as I turned my face away from them. 


"Baby, Sophia challenged me to a fight," she whined to him and hid her face in his chest. 


From the floor where I was seated, my hands fisted on the grass from the pain in my chest. The image of them together hurt so much that it felt like I was inhaling lead instead of oxygen.


Alexander turned to me with a cold gaze. The place quietened down, everyone watching what he would say. It was a known fact around the pack that Dianne was Alexander's girlfriend. They were always joined by the hip. Or rather, Dianne was always glued to Alexander's hip, marking a territory that wasn't hers.


"Challenging a pack member who is higher in status than you is considered disrespectful. And so, you shall be taken to the dungeon and whipped." He said, his eyes never leaving mine. 


"What? I didn't challenge her. She's not telling the truth. Dianne, please tell everyone the truth."



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