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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 17

"Are we still waiting for Hubery and Kaleb?" Bblythe asked at this point.

The production team said, "Hubery's flight won't arrive until tonight, and as for the last guest, he...he's already here."

They pointed, and everyone looked over, very surprised to see Egbert, who had just come through security.

"Wow, it's Mr. Reed!"

The comments were also very excited.

-[Kenley's here, and so is Egbert, double good news!]

-[Kenley is a fan of Mr. Reed. He's meeting his idol!]

-[I came for Egbert, someone said he won't be in this episode, who spread that rumor.]

-[To the person above, it's probably not a rumor. They said that Kaleb hasn't fully recovered since leaving the hospital and wasn't fit enough to be in the program, so Egbert will probably be appearing for another episode or two.]

-[Crying, Egbert look at me!]

Egbert walked over with his suitcase, and Josiah and Bblythe hugged him.

Egbert hugged almost all members. When he saw Kenley extending his hands, he ignored Kenley and asked Josiah, "Am I late?"

Kenley was taken aback, but no one else noticed this small incident, since Phyllis and Eileen didn't hug each other either.

"No, it's just starting now." Josiah said.

At this point, the production team began to lay out the rules for the second episode. Again, it was 100 travel funds, stay for three days, visit five attractions.

Phyllis immediately said, "But there are seven of us this time, why is the budget even less?"

There is a difference in exchange rate between 100 dollars and 100 euros. If you really calculate it, the budget for this time is indeed much less.

The production team calmly said, "These are the rules, or do you want to kick out the guests?"

"You guys are too bad." After Phyllis complained, she looked at Eileen.

Everyone else also looked at Eileen.

Eileen glanced at them, smiled coldly, "Now you remember me?"

Bblythe couldn't help laughing, patted Eileen's shoulder, "Kenley is a new friend, we naturally are a bit enthusiastic, are you jealous?"

"Bullshit." Eileen walked up to the crew without expression to get the money.

The crew gave her the money, Eileen pulled her suitcase and walked straight outside.

Everyone else followed obediently.

Kenley and Phyllis were last, Kenley asked, "I thought Travel Concierge's job was to take care of our daily life, didn't expect him to be the team leader."

Phyllis immediately lowered her voice vigilantly, seeing that Eileen in front didn't seem to hear, she relaxed, "You should never say this in front of her, or she will get angry."

Kenley raised his eyebrows, "I heard she's pretty fierce?"

"She's not just fierce, she's a tyrant! She's the kind that hurts people at the drop of a hat!" Phyllis exaggerated, then warned, "No matter what, you must not provoke her. Once you upset her, you'll be in endless trouble, didn't you watch the last episode?"

Kenley shook his head with a smile, "I've been on the road a lot lately."

Phyllis nodded, "I understand. You've been very popular lately, anyway, you must not provoke her. She's very petty and will take revenge on you."

Kenley chuckled, obviously he didn't take this to heart. Him being retaliated against in the live room? He didn't believe Eileen had the courage.

They were led to a bus stop.

Soon, they got on a bus.


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