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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 18

Egbert was knocking on the door for over a minute, but there was no response from inside.

Just as he was about to call Josiah to check if they had already left, the door suddenly swung open.

Eileen emerged, looking rather disheveled.

Her appearance was a far cry from how she looked earlier when she was downstairs; back then, she had on a coat over a loose white long-sleeved shirt and jeans.

Now, she had taken off her coat, which was hanging off her arm. Two buttons on her white shirt were undone, revealing her collarbone.

Furthermore, her usually composed face was slightly flushed.

She was clearly not in her normal state.

Egbert's face instantly darkened, and his gaze shifted towards the interior of the room.

But Eileen blocked his view, muttered vaguely, "Kenley isn't feeling well, he can't come along. Let's get going." With that, she started to close the door.

Egbert held the door open, looking at her coldly.

Eileen swallowed hard, appearing somewhat flustered, "What are you doing?"

Seeing her reaction, Egbert's expression became even more stern. His eyes locked on her unbuttoned shirt collar, from his angle, he could even see a glimpse of her chest. He asked coldly, "Do you even know what work is?"

Eileen was puzzled, "What?"

"During work hours, you should know how to differentiate between work and personal life. Is this how you've always been conducting yourself at work?"

His rebuke was so straightforward that Eileen bit her lip in embarrassment. It was the first time she had been scolded during a show.

She pressed her lips together, wanting to calm the situation. She didn't care about apologizing anymore, muttered sulkily, "Fine, I was wrong, okay? Let's just go."

"What about him?" Egbert refused to let go of the door. His elegant fingers were still pressing against the door, clearly not intending to let her off the hook just yet.

Eileen was getting annoyed, "I told you he's not feeling well. What do you want?"

Egbert scoffed, his handsome face appearing indifferent, "Let me ask him what exactly is wrong."

With that, he pushed past Eileen and opened the door wide.

The room was in a state of chaos.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze instantly.

Egbert stood at the door, eyes coldly taking in the sight of the man lying on the floor, covered in injuries and still bleeding from his head.

Kenley had passed out, his breathing shallow. His hands were twisted in an unnatural position.

Realizing that the jig was up, Eileen turned to run.

But she was caught by the collar.

Egbert pulled her out and looked at her with a complicated expression, "What the hell happened?"

Caught red-handed, Eileen seemed unfazed and defended herself, "What, what?! He started it first, said he wanted to play adult games, so I used my professional fighting skills and played a little 'adult smashing game' with him. It's not my fault he couldn't take it. He bumped his head trying to dodge me. I didn't hit his head. His bleeding has nothing to do with me! I just... dislocated his hands."

Just... dislocated his... hands...

Eileen tried to make it sound justified, but she faltered under Egbert's piercing gaze, finally mumbling, "Okay, okay, and his legs too."

Egbert was speechless.

"I can fix him up!" Eileen declared, walking back into the room and grabbing the unconscious Kenley's hand.

Kenley, who fainted, was suddenly awakened by the pain. "Stop moving around." Eileen looked at the terrified Kenley writhing around and stepped on his chest, pinning him down. After a few movements, she didn't know if she had fixed Kenley's limbs, but he had passed out again from the pain.

Egbert went silent.


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