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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 19

By the time they got back from the tourist spot, it was already late at night. Eileen simply offered everyone some cheap burgers for dinner before shooing them off.

When they returned to their place, Kenley was lying in bed with bandages wrapped around his head, looking pale as a ghost.

Phyllis got a shock when she saw him and immediately asked, "Kenley, what happened to you?"

Kenley’s gaze shifted from Eileen, who was standing in the back of the crowd, to Egbert, reminding him of what Egbert had said earlier. Biting down hard to endure the pain, he said, "I took a tumble in the bathroom."

"You're so clumsy!" Phyllis reached out to touch Kenley's head, her face showing her worry.

With Kenley injured, the once lively atmosphere of the show immediately became heavy, and most of the audience's comments were about their sympathy for Kenley.

Later that night, Hubery came to join the group.

Hubery knew Kenley and wanted to get close to him, but seeing Kenley in such a bad state, he decided to drop the idea.

Just then, Hubery saw Eileen walking down the hallway, reminding him of the phone call from Hedy a few days ago about Eileen hitting her and her mother.

Hubery immediately stood up, planning to chase after Eileen for a good chat. However, when he went out, he found that Eileen was with Bblythe. Seeing others were around, Hubery thought it wasn't appropriate to approach, so he went back to his room.

Back in his room, just as Hubery was about to pack his belongings, he heard Kenley, who wasn't exactly friendly to him, suddenly call out to him, "Hubery, was that Travel Concierge's sister outside?"

Hubery's heart skipped a beat, afraid that he might be found out for going after Eileen, so he quickly explained, "Yes, but I thought it was Josiah. I wanted to borrow his razor. I must have got it wrong."

Kenley raised an eyebrow, eyeing Hubery thoughtfully. Kenley believed he was much smarter than Hubery. He had been in the business much longer than Hubery.

Did Eileen and Hubery have some special relationship? Kenley began to ponder. He wasn't going to let this injury of his slide like that.


In the evening, Eileen went to the front desk to ask about the bus schedule for the next day. On her way back, she bumped into Phyllis.

Phyllis was holding a remote control and said, "I think it's broken."

Eileen took a glance and said, "It was fine just now."

Phyllis said, "It's not ours. It's from the boys' room. I found it when I was getting water for Kenley. Can you come with me to tell the staff?"

Eileen didn't want to deal with her and walked away, saying, "You go by yourself."

Phyllis stamped her foot and said, "You're supposed to be our Travel Concierge."

Eileen ignored her and went straight back to her room.

Phyllis ended up going downstairs alone, with the cameraman following her.

When Phyllis reached the first floor, she smiled politely at the front desk staff but was a little at a loss for words.

——[Eileen is so mean.]

——[There are actually fans of Eileen in the comments? I'm flabbergasted. Have you guys forgotten about Eileen's scandals? You guys are supporting a girl with such a character, it shows what kind of people you are in real life. Birds of a feather flock together.]

——[So we're attacking people now?]

——[Actually, I didn't particularly like Eileen at first. I just thought she was efficient, but now, I really like her.]

——[Go Eileen! Beat these people!]


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