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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 200

Haunted Chronicles was a mega interactive live reality show produced by VisionStream, with a focus on scientific truth-seeking.

Most shows involving ghosts and spirits were usually pretty bloody and violent and got scrutinized pretty hardcore by the TV regulatory body.

But Haunted Chronicles was a different breed. Sure, it spun tales of ghostly figures, but what it's really digging at were deeper social issues.

The main tone of the show was science and education, so the content of the program was also uplifting. VisionStream was all in on Haunted Chronicles, throwing a truckload of cash at it.

That's why the big cheese director had the guts to invest in setting up Satan's Lair.

Today wasn't the premiere of the show, just the six guests shooting the trailer.

The trailer was a no-brainer, just each guest taking a stroll through Wicked Woods.

But they never saw it coming. During the shoot with the first guest, all hell broke loose.

The backstage crew had to scramble.

It was a team effort, but they managed to get a hold on Eileen!

They pulled off a daring rescue of a crew member who was on death's door.

The guy was nearly scared to death, and the rest of the crew got a good fright too.

The director glared at Eileen, barking, "Are you out of your mind? Look at what you've done to him!"

The spooky sound effects and lights of Satan's Lair were switched off, and the lights in the workspace were turned on.

Things were bright and the people around Eileen were just regular crew in regular clothes.

It was then that Eileen finally let out a sigh of relief.

The director stared at Eileen and snapped, "Can you even continue shooting?"

Eileen, trembling, managed to say, "I need to make a call."

The director scowled and said impatiently, "Make it quick!"

Eileen pulled out her phone and called Ophelia from a corner, but there was no answer.

She tried again but still, no answer.

Eileen remembered how Ophelia had sweet-talked her into signing onto the show.

She also remembered Ophelia mocking her when they signed the contract, telling her the penalty for breaching the contract was half a million bucks.

Eileen went silent.

She felt like she had been played. Ophelia couldn't get through on the phone.

Five minutes later, the director started hurrying her.

Eileen had no choice but to put away her phone and walk over, saying resignedly, "I'm ready."

The director glanced at her and asked, "You sure you're okay this time?"

Eileen was on the verge of tears but could only nod and say, "I'm fine…"

The director picked up the walkie-talkie and called out, "All departments, get ready, the lights and music are connected."

Fifteen minutes later, Eileen was back in the bone-chilling Satan's Lair.

The director backstage was watching the slender figure on the monitor with satisfaction, nodding approvingly.

"Not bad, just a bit too fast."

Hearing the director's command, the cameraman swiftly manipulated the infrared jib camera, changing the camera angle.

The camera gradually shifted from Eileen's calm collected back and long strides to her front.

When Eileen's front appeared on the screen, the set fell into eerie silence.

One crew member thought he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes and asked in disbelief, "Am I seeing things? Is she… walking with her eyes closed?"

The director was silent for a moment before saying slowly, "Yes, she's walking…with her eyes closed…"

She walked with her eyes closed, her steps hurried, her body rigid, her face expressionless.


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