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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 201

Six guests, now down to three.

But the fourth guest was nowhere to be seen.

The atmosphere in the green room was tense, thanks to Eileen's dissatisfaction with everyone.

After waiting for ten minutes, Jaqueline couldn't sit still anymore and headed to the bathroom.

When she returned, Jaqueline came with news, "One of the guests isn't coming!"

Hearing this, Eileen and Bartley turned to look at her.

Jaqueline nodded and said, "Yeah, it's a total mess out there. For some unknown reason, this guest has bailed last minute. Apparently, he's already left the country, no way to call him back."

Eileen was shocked and blurted out, "The penalty for breach of contract is a whopping half a million!"

Jaqueline squinted and said, "This guy gave up the event. He must be loaded, right?"

Is there really someone in this world who doesn't care about money? Eileen couldn't comprehend.

At the same time, she couldn't hide her jealousy.

If she was loaded, she could also ditch the event, she could also go abroad, she could roam around freely, she would never have to film this crappy show!

Just then, the door to the green room was pushed open again.

The fourth guest had arrived.

A handsome and dashing young man with an outstanding demeanor walked in.

He smiled and waved at the three in the room, saying, "Hey."

When they realized who he was, Eileen, Simon, and Jaqueline were all stunned.

Jarvis Dave?

Jarvis was on the show?

Jarvis was a multi-talented singer who, in his five years in the industry, had released seven albums, each of them top three in national sales. He's a talented, capable, and handsome superstar, unmatched by others.

He's also an actor. Even though he hadn't done many films, his acting was top-notch, truly a rare talent among the younger generation of artists.

Over the past two years, the entertainment circle had been circulating such a sentence.

While the popularity of celebrities was ever-changing, Jarvis remained steady.

This proved just how stable Jarvis's position was in the world of shifting popularity.

No one expected Jarvis to be on the show.

The green room was silent for a moment.

The handsome young man smiled at the three in the room, playfully asking, "You guys don't seem too happy to see me?"

Jaqueline quickly stood up, her face flushed, "Of course, we're happy... Mr. Dave, please, have a seat!"

Jarvis didn't sit. He walked up, shaking hands with each of them.

Despite being the most famous and high-profile among them, he was willing to put aside his status and shake hands with everyone.

His face was always kind and smiling.

The last person Jarvis greeted was Eileen. Eileen, who had no good attitude towards either Jaqueline or Simon, now stood up.

She slightly bowed to Jarvis, shook his hand, and introduced herself, "I'm Eileen."

Jarvis smiled at her and said, "I'm Jarvis."

In the lounge, the atmosphere became more lively with the presence of a male guest who seemed easy to get along with. Eileen sat on the couch, lifting her eyes to see Jarvis across from her.

Eileen had known Jarvis before.

In the past, Eileen had been questioned online and to make ends meet, she had filmed many low-quality movies for Sarah Roach.

Until she was 24, in the last year of her life, a director saw potential in her and gave her a good role.

That role led to a nomination for Best Supporting Actress the following year.

That film was one of the highlights of Eileen's past, and the male lead of the film was Jarvis.

Eileen and Jarvis had been coworkers for too long to remember anything else, but there was one thing that stuck with Eileen. Someone had maliciously sent her a terrifying package. When she opened it, she found dead rats inside.

Eileen didn't react much, but Jarvis who was next to her did.


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