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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 216

Eileen walked up to the bedroom door on the left and said, "This room should be number 443 or 445."

Then, she kicked the door open with a bang. But the room was empty.

Eileen turned around, went to the bedroom on the right, and kicked the door open in the same manner. She shone her flashlight into the room, revealing piles of stuff.

The room didn't have any of the usual bunk beds, wardrobes, or desks that a girls' dorm room would have. Instead, it was filled with all sorts of equipment.

There were three computers alone. Besides, there were listening devices, external sound cards, video recorders, and even a telescope by the window.

Eileen ran over to the telescope and looked out. Sure enough, it had a view of the building across, but the angle was a bit off.

Jarvis and Simon followed her into the room.

Simon was clearly surprised, saying, "This..."

Eileen turned to the two of them and said, "Let's piece together the timeline. Five years ago, Sally jumped to end her life. Her mother, Darcey, was heartbroken and came to work as a RA at this school. We need to note that Tessie only appeared three years ago, while Darcey has been working as a RA for five years. This means, there were two years when nothing happened in the school."

Simon quickly added, "Right, according to the diary, the tragedy only happened after room 444 reopened three years ago."

Eileen laughed, saying, "The tragedy has nothing to do with the dorm. Darcey didn't want room 444 to reopen because she was using it all along!"

Eileen pointed to all the stuff in the room, saying, "You see, this is a girls' dorm building, and the only person who has the keys to all the rooms is Darcey. So, who else could own all these things?"

Jarvis frowned, "So, the secret of room 444 isn't some ghost story, it's just that Darcey wanted to use the room to store these devices and spy on the building across? What's in that building? Is there a principal's office?"

Eileen said, "Exactly! The principal has always been her target!"

She then turned her attention back to the ghosts outside the door. The ghosts were startled. They had been watching the three in the room and didn't expect to be noticed! Some quickly looked away.

The less intelligent ones also lowered their heads at the reminder of their peers, pretending they weren't eavesdropping.

Eileen pointed at the group of them and said, "You think I was touching their clothes just to steal their food? You’re too nearsighted! I'm not that greedy! I was checking the material of their clothes. Most of them are wearing school uniforms, but they are not the same style. This means they are from different eras, and not all of them died within these three years."

Jarvis said, "Indeed, it's impossible for so many people to have died in such a short span of three years."

Eileen picked up the two stamps in her hand and said, "We already know that the stamp with the word 'Benevolence' can be used to control a group of ghosts. So, what does the stamp with 'Academy' do?"

As she spoke, Eileen walked up to Ruby and without a word, stamped her neck with the seal. As soon as the stamp was applied, she stared at Ruby.

Ruby stared back at Eileen. Their eyes locked. After a while, Eileen blinked and asked, "Are you okay?"

Ruby was still.

Eileen frowned, "Isn't this stamp supposed to be applied to the neck?"

Eileen grabbed Ruby's hand and stamped the back of her hand. However, stamping the hand didn't work either. She tried the arm, then the thigh, back, face, and the top of the head.

Eileen scratched her head, tried all these places, and looked puzzled when none of them worked.

Ruby, who was covered in more than a dozen stamps, shouted, "What are you doing!!"

Eileen stared at the stamp for a while longer, then suddenly, she reached up and stamped the back of her own neck.

In the control room, the assistant director squinted his eyes and picked up the walkie-talkie to give an order, "All departments, attention!" As soon as the assistant director finished speaking, with a 'pop', a white light suddenly lit up on the playground outside the dormitory window.

Eileen immediately ran to the window to see. A huge projector had been sneakily set up at some point. And then, it started playing an open-air movie!

Eileen understood and laughed, "I used the 'Academy' stamp. I triggered the mechanism of this stamp, and it's not an open-air movie. It's a memoir."

Eileen then waved to the ghosts behind her and said, "Everyone come over! We're gonna watch a movie. The memoir that I triggered is supposed to be visible only to me. But I'm generous and treating you to a free movie. No tickets needed!"

The ghosts didn't want to pay her any attention. But they did want to watch the movie. it was free after all, and it would be a waste not to watch. So, the ghosts quickly gathered around.

At this time, the scary sound effects that had been playing in the dormitory building were turned off, and the dialogue in the open-air movie started playing, "Decker, wait for me..."

The first scene was a young Decker, carrying a stack of books and walking ahead, and a young girl behind tried to catch up with him.

Eileen immediately pointed to a female ghost behind her and said, "That's you! You're in the movie!"


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