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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 217

Jarvis was about to approach Eileen when Simon stopped him, "Hold up."

Jarvis asked, "What's up?"

Simon pondered for a moment before whispering, "I don't think Ms. Lopez is the warm and fuzzy type, and her sudden chumminess with those guys is raising some red flags. Let's just see what she's up to first."

Eileen was already deep in enemy territory!

In truth, ignoring their spooky personas, most of these staff were stand-in actors. After all, how could such a gigantic scene have so many staff? Weren't these folks busy? How could they possibly double as actors and not get stage fright?

Eileen was discussing pay and roles with the stand-ins, touching their hearts.

No actors who didn't want to be recognized. Their acting skills being acknowledged and their costumes being remembered, this would naturally make these stand-ins happy. Initially, they were somewhat in awe of Eileen, even a bit wary. But in a blink of an eye, they saw Eileen chatting with them like any other actor, promising to fight for bonuses from the head director!

The stand-ins instantly saw Eileen as their leader!

In the main control room, the assistant director was speechless. He tried to contact the staff via walkie-talkie, and while most of them listened to him, some die-hard fans were too engrossed in their chat with Eileen to pay any attention to the assistant director. They even turned off their headsets, completely ignoring him!

The assistant director was flabbergasted. He turned to the scriptwriter and said, "This has to be foul play, right?"

The scriptwriter couldn't help but smirk, "But charming the extras is also one of Wraith Ruler's skills."

The assistant director glared at the scriptwriter, saying, "You're the scriptwriter. Shouldn't you be defending your script?"

The scriptwriter scoffed, "What script? The moment the head director decided to change the plot I wrote, the whole thing started crumbling! That stunt Hedy pulled has caused a total fuck up. You should be thankful that we've made it this far!"

The assistant director fell silent, mostly because the evidence against the head director and Hedy was overwhelming. He looked at the scriptwriter sympathetically, "You're really having a tough time, aren't you? Look at you, losing your hair over writing the script. It must be really draining."

The scriptwriter was speechless. He glared at the assistant director, managing to hold his temper and retort, "Can you talk politely? If not, just shut up!"

After Eileen had a friendly chat with the staff, her crafty nature quickly revealed itself. She started to pump the staff for plot information.

The staff, while still having professional integrity, wouldn't spill everything, but they shared everything they could! After gathering all the information, Eileen turned back to Jarvis and Simon and whispered the details.

Once she finished, both Jarvis and Simon fell silent. After a while, Simon said, "So, it seems like the biggest problem is the Resident Advisor."

At this moment, they heard footsteps through the hallway speakers again. They were men's footsteps. The principal was back?

Eileen thought for a moment, then signaled one of the male ghosts to close the door.

The male ghost went to close the door but couldn't. He turned back to Eileen and made a gesture.

Simon didn't understand and asked, "What did he say?"

Eileen said awkwardly, "He said I broke the door lock when I kicked it. It won't close."

Simon was speechless.

Eileen quickly added, "But it doesn't matter. What's the big deal about closing the door? Am I scared of him? I'm not even scared of ghosts, so why would I be afraid of a human?"

With that, she stormed over.

The male ghost stepped aside, and Eileen quickly pulled the door open. With her eyes closed, she grabbed the person's arm and threw them over her shoulder without greeting or checking who was outside.

"Ms. Lopez!"Jarvis' warning and Eileen's throwing action happened simultaneously.

"Ah!" The victim howled, but it was not the same voice as the principal's they had heard before. It was a young man's voice!

Only then did Eileen open her eyes and saw that the person under her foot was not the principal, but Latham, who had supposedly left the school during the day!

He was in pain, gritting his teeth and his face full of agony. Jarvis and Simon hurried over, and Eileen quickly let go, darting back into the crowd of ghosts.

Jarvis and Simon helped Latham up. Latham, clutching his lower back, scanned the three “people” in the room and demanded, "What are you all doing here?"


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