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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 225

Rosalind hugged Eileen tightly.

Eileen paused for a moment. Despite her confusion, she lifted her hand and patted Rosalind's back gently.

Her movement was awkward. Clearly, she was not used to it.

The hall was very quiet.

After a while, Rosalind, with teary eyes, let go of Eileen first.

Eileen stood in front of her, lips tightly pressed, watching her.

Rosalind tentatively asked, "Eileen, can you call me mom one more time?"

Eileen lowered her head and said nothing.

Rosalind quickly said, "It's okay if you don't want to."

At this moment, Josephine said, "Eileen, the truth is, your father..."

"Josephine." Rosalind suddenly called out Josephine's name, interrupting her.

Josephine looked at Rosalind in confusion.

Rosalind shook her head at her, then gently patted Eileen's hand and said, "It's pretty late now. You've been busy all day and must be tired. Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

Eileen understood. Rosalind saw her confusion and wanted to give her more time.

She nodded slightly.

Rosalind then turned to Egbert and said, "Egbert, could you take Eileen back to her room?"

Egbert nodded. As he walked over, he instinctively reached out to hold Eileen's hand.

Just as he was about to touch her hand, a warning cough sounded.

Egbert turned his head and saw Rosalind squinting at him, looking serious.

In the end, he didn't make any excessive move. He put his hand down and said to Eileen, "Let's go."

Eileen followed Egbert upstairs in silence.

Just as they turned the corner of the staircase, she overheard Josephine and Rosalind talking.

"Rosa, why didn't you let me tell Eileen that her father..."

"Shh." Rosalind's voice was filled with a hint of helplessness. "She can't handle so much in one day. I don't want to put too much pressure on her..."

Eileen quickened her pace and went upstairs. She had some idea of what was going on.

The elders' hesitation had revealed some truth.

Eileen thought that her father must have had an affair!

She was shocked. She never thought her upright father would do such a thing.

But this explained everything.

No wonder Sarah hated her so much.

No wonder in her previous life, Sarah could sell her without hesitation.

Everything made sense now.

Eileen went upstairs with mixed feelings. She felt her life was like a fairy-tale princess's, full of twists and turns.

Downstairs, Rosalind, who had been so gentle just now, said to Josephine, "Derek is not worth mentioning. It's okay if Eileen doesn't recognize him."

Josephine was shocked, "What are you talking about?"

Rosalind casually said, "I'm just telling the truth. Eileen really likes Nathan. You've seen it. If I tell her that her real father is someone else, she'll be devastated and might even deny me as a mother. What should I do then?"

Josephine hadn't considered this possibility.

Rosalind continued, "I can't let Derek drag me down. But I won't completely ignore him. Once Eileen and I get closer, I'll speak up for him for the sake of our relationship."

Albert couldn't bear it anymore, "Derek didn't do anything wrong."

Rosalind said, "I didn't say he did, but I can't help him now either. If he truly loves me, he should understand and not force me. What do you think?"


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