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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 248

Aurora had never expected to see Eileen here.

She hadn't received any prior information, so she had no idea who the other guests would be!

Aurora was somewhat intimidated by Eileen. Just last time, she had witnessed Eileen going off on Hubery like a wildcat, leaving him battered and bruised!

In a panic, Aurora turned to look for the cameraman behind her, urgently asking, "Can I go to another room? I want to speak with the director!"

The cameraman responded awkwardly, "Ms. Bell, there are no other rooms. As for the director, what seems to be the problem? He's not here right now."

Aurora couldn't very well admit that she was afraid of Eileen. Finally, she took a deep breath, reminding herself that there were crew members all around and Eileen wouldn't dare to do anything to her. So, she went into the room, feeling quite aggrieved.

Because Eileen was sitting in the center of the couch like she owned the place, Aurora didn't dare sit on that couch. She cautiously stood at the side, pretending to be interested in a wedding dress displayed in the corner.

Suddenly, Eileen made a noise, "Ahem..."

Aurora jumped, reflexively moving even further into the corner.

Eileen rubbed her neck, then leaned over to pick up a bottle of water from the coffee table. She unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then casually glanced over at Aurora, asking, "What's up?"

Aurora quickly shook her head, flustered, "No, nothing at all..."

Eileen put the water bottle down, chuckling, "I was the first one to arrive here, did you know that?"

Aurora looked around the empty room, hesitantly nodding, "Yeah, I noticed."

Eileen added, "So that makes me the boss!"

Aurora was speechless. Wait, isn't the order of appearance arranged by the show's production team? What's this about being the boss?

Eileen raised her fist threateningly, "Did you hear that?!"

Aurora didn't dare to question her, so she just nodded, avoiding a direct confrontation.

Eileen gave a satisfied "hmmph", and turned back to watching the television.

On the TV screen, the third female guest appeared.

The same process ensued, and a few minutes later, the female celebrity entered the room.

Seeing that the room was occupied by Eileen and Aurora, the female star was taken aback.

Then, she began to stomp her foot on the spot, eventually screaming out loud, "Ahhhhhhh!"

Aurora was used to this kind of reaction. Other guests on the show often couldn't believe that she, a goddess-like figure, would be participating in a reality TV show. So, they would scream uncontrollably upon seeing her, loudly declaring their love and fandom for her.

Aurora, seeing the female star's reaction, was relieved. At least she wasn't alone with Eileen now.

So she kept a polite smile on her face, waiting for the female star to shake her hand and express her admiration.

However, after her initial scream, the female star suddenly lunged forward, brushing past Aurora with a gust of wind, and stopped in front of Eileen.

The female star turned to Eileen, her face flushed with excitement, squealing, "Ahhhh! Eileen! I'm a big fan! I love you so much! Why are you here too? Am I going to marry you? Ahhhh, this is so hard to believe, they finally realized you're a man!"

Eileen was baffled by the female star's excitement.

Sylvia, had a sweet and innocent appearance, but her actions were rather over-the-top.

Eileen was taken aback by Sylvia's enthusiasm. The last time she encountered such an outgoing girl was Phyllis, but Sylvia seemed even more outrageous.

Eileen didn't recall ever interacting with Sylvia before. Even as a fan, was there any need to be so excited?

Once the three female guests had arrived, the TV began to show the male guests.

The first man to enter was a famous actor, an award-winning actor who had previously worked with Aurora, named Calvert.

Back when they were recording the show "Shining Star", there was an episode where the judges and celebrity coaches could invite their celebrity friends to support their team members.

At that time, Eileen had invited Egbert as her celebrity friend. And Aurora's celebrity friend was Calvert.

When Calvert appeared, Sylvia finally shifted her attention from Eileen to the screen, exclaiming in surprise, "Huh, Mr. Calvert is joining this show? I thought he was gay?"

Eileen and Aurora both turned to look at Sylvia in shock!

After saying her piece, Sylvia noticed Eileen and Aurora staring at her. She quickly waved her hands dismissively, "Just a rumor I heard."

Now Eileen knew the difference between Sylvia and Phyllis. Sylvia was even less capable of keeping her mouth shut.

Calvert passed three questions and went to the male guest room.

Then, the second male guest appeared on TV.


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