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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 253

The director felt as if his hair was not just falling out, but shedding in large patches!

What...what... What were they saying?! This was supposed to be a reality show! Yet they were treating them like they weren't even there!

"Call them! Hurry up and get in touch with them..."

"Blueberry-flavored one."

The director's words were cut off.

On the monitor, Eileen bypassed the shelf stocked with condoms with an unassuming expression, picked up a packet of blueberry-flavored chewing gum from the adjacent shelf, tossed it into the shopping basket, and said, "Let's check out."

Egbert promptly moved to the checkout line with the basket.

Their expressions were natural, their movements fluid.

As if they had been talking about chewing gum from the start.

The director and assistant director fell silent for a moment.

"Did we misinterpret something?" The director scratched his head in confusion, questioning his own judgement.

The shelf of condoms and the shelf of chewing gum were close, but the shelves were wide, it was unlikely they had mistaken the two, right?

But just now, it seemed like Egbert was pointing at the shelf with the condoms.

"Could it be the camera angle?" The assistant director could only come up with this explanation.

He added, "After all, Egbert couldn't possibly be that kind of person!"

His words made sense. After all, Egbert was a gentleman.

So, the director immediately picked up the walkie talkie, reprimanding the cameraman following Eileen and Egbert, "Get a better angle, don't you want your bonus?!"

The cameraman was puzzled. He didn’t understand what he had done wrong. But since the director had said so, he could only move closer to get a clearer shot of Egbert and Ms. Lopez's interactions.

Once they had finished grocery shopping, the pair returned home. Eileen rolled up her sleeves and began to cook. Egbert offered his help.

Eileen put on an apron, then turned around, her back to Egbert.

Egbert naturally stepped forward, took the apron strings from her hands and tied them at the back for her.

After donning the apron, Eileen took out the groceries from the bag, placed them into a basket, and without looking up, handed it to Egbert.

Egbert seemed to know what to do, he didn't ask any questions, but took the basket and headed to the sink to start washing.

There was no intimate contact between them, not even a conversation.

But... The director watching the footage on the monitor, felt that something was off.

The director couldn't pinpoint what was wrong, he turned to the assistant director and asked, "Do you feel that something's off?"

"Shh." The assistant director raised his hand to silence the director. He glanced at the other two monitors.

In the monitor showing Calvert and Aurora, the pair was laughing and joking around, their interaction smooth and friendly.

In the monitor showing Sylvia and Hobson, the pair was polite, shy, and awkward.

Having observed the other two pairs, the assistant director turned his attention back to Egbert and Eileen. He stroked his chin thoughtfully and finally concluded, "From beginning to end, they never said 'thank you' to each other."

"Right!" The director slapped his thigh, exclaiming, "That's what's off!"

They hadn't said 'thank you', and they didn't even communicate when doing chores. But strangely, they seemed to know what they were supposed to do.

After Egbert washed the vegetables, he handed them to Eileen, who started chopping without a word. Then Egbert took out some seasonings, and every time Eileen raised her hand, he would pass the seasonings to her without a mistake, as if he was used to doing this.

Previously, Calvert and Aurora were said to have great chemistry.


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